Monday, June 3, 2024


 in-cyprus 3 June 2024

The issue of the return of the Parthenon Marbles, which has been consistently on the agenda for the past 40 years, was discussed at the 24th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin.

“The Greek delegation presented in detail and extensively the history of the case and Greece’s positions on the issue of the Parthenon Marbles,” the Ministry of Culture stated in its announcement.

It noted, “Through testimonies of travellers and intellectuals from the era of Elgin, it documented the violent removal of the architectural sculptures from the monument.”

Emphatically, it highlighted the absence of a firman and relevant sultanate documents and the illegal appropriation of the Marbles by Lord Elgin before they ended up in the British Museum.

It particularly emphasized the issue of the mistreatment of the Parthenon Marbles during their stay at the British Museum and the poor conditions of their preservation, from the 19th century until today.

It informed the Committee members about the continuous, yet fruitless, efforts of the Greek side to engage in dialogue with the United Kingdom to find a solution to this longstanding issue, in line with UNESCO’s Recommendations and Decision.

It stated that the Parthenon Marbles and the symbolism they entail are an integral part of Greek cultural heritage and identity.

Lastly, it urged the United Kingdom, as a first-time member of the Intergovernmental Committee, to demonstrate its willingness to comply with UNESCO’s Recommendations and Decisions.

According to the UK’s statement, it insisted on its established positions on the matter, reiterating that the existing legislative framework does not allow for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece, emphasizing that “there is no intention of the government to change this specific law,” as stated in the Ministry’s announcement.

It added, “The presentation of the Greek delegation and its arguments received warm reception, and the overwhelming majority of Committee member states (Italy, Czech Republic, Russia, Libya, Iraq, India, Chile, Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala, Gabon, Zambia, Egypt), as well as observer states (Turkey, Palestine, Nicaragua, Honduras, Brazil), strongly supported the Greek positions and emphatically called on the United Kingdom to return the Sculptures to Greece, to be reunited with the Parthenon, a symbol of Western Civilization.”