Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Following a conversation with Tala Council, I can update members on the water-supply situation, which is unfairly impacting the higher properties in Kamares Village. The lowest ones are hardly affected at all.

The old pipework does not allow the council to select different areas to feed.

The amount of water currently being supplied from Paphos to Tala does not allow uninterrupted supply. Much of the time, it is necessary to alternate between Tala and Kamares. Presently the amount available is not enough to fill the Kamares tank. When the tank empties, the nearest houses lose their supply, while lower houses are still fed from water in the system.

A possible solution is to increase both On and Off times, filling the tanks further to maintain flow to higher houses. A problem with this is that the forces caused by flow re-starting can be enough to cause pipe bursts in the old infrastructure.

To help with the immediate problem, the council is sending twenty (20) tanker loads of water to refill the tank, but this trebles the cost and is not sustainable in the long run.

The overall situation will not improve unless residents in houses unaffected by supply failure do their duty to higher residents, by cutting down on usage: limit watering gardens, don’t wash cars with a hose, never fill empty pools from the mains (it’s illegal anyway). There are lots of other ways of saving water, and we should all be aware of the need to be frugal.

Chris Coleman
KVHA President