Monday, June 10, 2024


Filenews 10 June 2024

Weak low pressure affects the area.

Today, the weather will be mostly clear, although on the coast, increased low cloud is likely to form temporarily. During the midday hours and after, clouds that will develop in the mountains, may give isolated rain. The winds will initially blow northeast to southeast and locally variable, weak, 3 Beaufort, to gradually become southwesterly to northwesterly, weak to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will generally be calm to a little turbulent. The temperature will rise around 39 degrees in the interior, around 30 on the west coast, 33 on the rest of the coasts and around 29 degrees in the higher mountains

Tonight, the weather will be mostly clear. Later and during the dawn hours, sparse fog or fog or low clouds may form in places, especially in areas of the interior, in the south and east. The winds will gradually become descending, weak, 3 Beaufort and the sea will remain calm until a little turbulent. The temperature will drop to around 24 degrees in the interior and on the coast and around 18 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the weather will be mostly clear.

The temperature until Thursday will gradually rise, to fluctuate significantly above the average climatic values of the season.