Monday, May 20, 2024


 Filenews 20 May 2024 - by Angelos Nicolaou

The Mines and Quarries Service proceeded to an open tender for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA) and a Special Ecological Assessment Study (MEOA) for the possible creation of a New Quarry Zone in the community of Androlikos in the Pafos district, as well as for the species and habitats of the Natura 2000 Network areas "Akamas Peninsula Special Protection Area" and "Akamas Peninsula Special Area of Conservation". Interested parties can submit their bids within one month and on 18/6/2024, the opening is scheduled.

The announcement was made immediately after a meeting at the Presidential Palace where the issue of finding quarry materials for large planned projects in the district of Pafos concerning breakwaters and the Marina was discussed.

Quarrying activity is considered a highly nuisance activity located in the Community of Androlikos and adjacent to a Natura 2000 Network area. During the construction and operation of projects within the zone, noise and dust emission are expected to increase to an increased extent, loss of species and habitats used for nesting and feeding, vibrations from heavy vehicles, explosions and general quarrying. It should be noted that the most important colony of the species Night Owl (Rousettus aegyptiacus) is located near the proposed zone, at a distance of 370 meters northwest, while the species is sensitive to disturbances especially from quarrying activity.

In the area there will be an impact on the species Spiny Eagle (Aquila fasciata), since it is located near nesting sites, as well as within the feeding area of the species.

It also potentially affects the species of Blue Falcon (Buteo rufinus), Zanos (Falco Peregrinus) and Kraga (Coracias garrulus), if it is located in their nesting and feeding area.

These will have the effect of reducing the activity and presence of species designating the Natura 2000 site. In addition, the Quarry Zone, in synergy with the other developments promoted in neighbouring zones, will act cumulatively, increasing the impact on the species of the area. According to the final Special Ecological Assessment Report for the Akamas Local Plan, issued by the Department of Environment in August 2022, it is important that this zone is regulated without affecting the Natura 2000 Network areas.

In the contract notice, it is noted that the recovery of recent years, after the economic crisis, is intertwined with the development of the construction industry, mainly in tourist areas. In the case of the Pafos district, this recovery has also led to a drastic reduction in the scarce stocks of aggregate quarries located in an area of the Community of Androlikou. This, it is noted, creates the need to define a new quarry zone in the Pafos district for future use.

The Environmental Authority issued an opinion on 25/08/2022 and then on 20/02/2023, where, among other things, it was decided that the new quarry zone is not approved at this stage, while during three years the following will be studied:

a) Whether the need for the creation of a new quarry zone of aggregates in the area of Androlikos is imperative, in relation to the available alternative locations, and 

b) The conservation status of species and habitats of the site, in relation to quarrying activities.

Upon completion of the above, it will be decided whether the creation of a Quarry Zone in the specific area will be further discussed. In the environmental terms, it is noted that the allocation of mineral resources in the area will be decided by the Mines Service, taking into account all interested parties who submitted applications in the Androlikou area and will set conditions that will contribute to improving the protection and conservation of species living in the Androlikou area. It is emphasized that in order to improve the feeding of the species Night Owl (Rousettus aegyptiacus), a term will be incorporated in the Restoration Plan of the existing Quarry Zone, for the planting of fruit trees, by the interested parties, near the caves of both the one where individuals of the species live and the one that has been abandoned.