Friday, May 17, 2024


Pafos Live 17 May 2024

Threatening text messages were sent to many primary schools in Cyprus. The first assessment is that there was interception of electrical addresses by the directorate of primary education.

In the messages, in addition to the bomb threat, references are made to Allah for how great he is by expressing hatred towards non-believers.

Pafos Press update:

PafosPress obtained the email that reached the schools this morning and presents it:

Following is exactly
Friday, May 17, 2024 2:27 am.
We've always waited for the day when we can go down to the city and not hide our faces

The day will come when our images in our heads will become the destructive force of the reality you will feel on these walls.

The blood of the teachers will be spilled in the schools.  We will cut their throats.  The enemies of Allah will lie about our deeds.  Sharia does not divide the disbelievers into warlike and peaceful.  I said: “O Messenger of Allah our horses trampled the women and children of the pagans. He said: "He is of their fathers."  

Children and women will only be killed if they get in our way.  We will destroy you in the streets.  Our trucks are full of explosives.  They will destroy you in the main squares like in Nice.  And cut the crowds with knives.  They will break into you and explode.  We will drown you in blood

Filenews update:

The address of the email that upset schools today shows origins in Russia.

This initially raised questions. However, as he made clear at the meeting of the management team of the Ministry of Education with the leadership of the Police, this can happen from the use of a virtual private network (VPN) through special applications, the use of which can cause confusion as to the real sender or the place from which the message was sent.

The Police's Cybercrime Bureau is conducting thorough investigations to establish the true origin of the message.

According to philenews, the meeting between officials of the Ministry of Education and the Police has been completed and a statement will be issued by the Police on the substance of the matter.

However, the meeting confirmed the previous information reported by philenews, according to which, the case is considered low risk and refers to a hoax. The effort is focused on identifying pranksters, if possible.

Police update

The Police this morning, Friday, May 17, received information that, in the morning hours, the Directorates of a number of public primary and secondary schools throughout Cyprus received an email with the same content in their official email accounts (e-mail) and sent from the same sender and the same email address, which has been found to be sent from a foreign country and concerns content that has already been published in the media. A meeting was immediately convened at the Police Headquarters, in which the Chief of Police, the Deputy Chief of Police, the Director General of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, as well as Directors and officials of the two Services took part. From the first moment, early this morning, in coordination with the Police and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, instructions were given to the School Principals to implement the relevant energy protocols that are followed in such cases, while at the same time the Police from the takes all the necessary actions at the first moment. The Police continue to investigate the case, while they have already requested the assistance of Interpol and Europol.

* * * * * *

Police in Paphos arrested a 46-year-old woman to facilitate investigations into an ongoing theft case.

According to Paphos Assistant Police Director of Operations, Michalis Nicolaou, on Thursday around 14:00, a bakery company owner in the area of the Polis Chrysochous apartment reported that it was found that a 46-year-old female employee was stealing from the proceeds as well as company products during her work.

From the tests carried out, Nicolaou told CNA, it was found that between January 15 and May 14, 2024, on twelve different occasions, the 46-year-old suspect had stolen €87 from the cashier as well as products with a total value of €56.

The 46-year-old was arrested on a court warrant and taken into custody.

* * * * * *

A 19-year-old man was spotted driving under the influence of drugs and in possession of drugs on Thursday night.

According to Paphos Assistant Police Director of Operations, Michalis Nicolaou, at around 22:30 on Thursday, members of the Paphos Police Intercepted a vehicle during traffic police checks in the area of Chlorakas, which appeared to be driven by a 19-year-old.

Cannabis weighing about 2 grams was found in the possession of the 19-year-old, while a drug test he underwent had a positive indication.

The 19-year-old was charged in writing and released to be summoned later.

* * * * * *

A total of 4 soccer balls containing drugs and mobile phones were found last night by the motorized patrol of the Central Prisons. According to information from SIGMA, the balls seem to have reached the area of ​​the Prisons through the dead zone.

It is noted that this is not the first time that something similar has happened, since just last February the Prison Authorities announced that prison guards detected an attempt to import drugs and mobile phones through soccer balls.

For this reason, the increase in systematic controls was announced at the time.

* * * * * *


Five people were injured on Thursday night in a car accident in Geroskipou. The accident occurred when a car left the road under conditions investigated by the Traffic Police and then collided with a parked vehicle, which in turn collided with a third vehicle.

According to the Police, a car driven by a 24-year-old man on the coastal avenue, under circumstances that are being investigated, was found off the road and in the driver's attempt to bring it back to the roadway, he lost control and the car ended up off the road on the opposite side this time, resulting in a collision with a parked vehicle.

The parked vehicle collided with a second parked vehicle, injuring four young people aged 19, who were between the two parked cars.

Both the driver and the four youths were taken to Paphos Hospital. It was found by the on-duty doctor that they did not suffer any serious injuries but were kept in hospital as a precaution.

The driver of the vehicle that caused the accident was tested for alcohol with a reading within the permissible limit and specifically 16mg, but was found positive in a narcotest.

Examinations into the causes of the collision are being investigated by the Paphos Traffic Police.

* * * * * *

The Police are evaluating CCTV to identify the perpetrators who carried out, on Thursday night, a raid on the indoor stadium of Apollon and AEL. At the same time, evidence has been identified that will be sent for scientific examinations.

In his statements, the deputy spokesman of the Limassol Police Authority, Marinos Vassiliou, said that at the first light of day, members of the Police went to the scene in order to take fingerprints, DNA, photographs, evaluate CCTV and receive testimonies from neighbours and other persons in the area.

According to Vassiliou, it is not yet known if the damage was caused by the same group of people or if it was retaliation, as the time between the two incidents was short. He also noted that the cost of the damage has not yet been estimated.

The chronicle of the raid

Around 23:00 on Thursday night (16/05), information was received by the Police that there is damage to the main entrance of the Apollon Limassol indoor stadium and the cafeteria of the AEL stadium that is adjacent.

Officers and members of the Limassol Police went to the spot to conduct examinations.

From the preliminary examinations, it was found that a group of 15-20 people, who according to testimony obtained, were wearing black clothes and had their face covered with a hood, after breaching the external main entrance, entered the sports center and then shattered glass in three offices as well as caused damage to the canteen and a television located in the lobby of the stadium.

After a few minutes, a group of people entered a café, which is located under the indoor stadium of AEL Limassol "Nikos Solomonides" adjacent to the stadium of Apollon, and broke the exterior blind, shattered a glass door and then broke three televisions, coffee equipment as well as kitchen and bar equipment.

Damage was also caused to three vehicles parked in the courtyard of the stadium.  During the examinations, a vehicle was found in the parking lot of the popular open-air municipal market, near the stadiums, which was also extensively damaged.