Friday, May 17, 2024


 Interviews with Pafos Press with the 3 candidates standing for Paphos District Governor.   In alphabetical order.

Kostas Constantinou: "The love and trust of the Paphites are vital fuel for me"

Particularly in his relationship with the people of the District, Kostas Constantinou, the Member of Parliament of our District for many years, invests in his effort to be elected District Governor of Paphos.

These elections, he says speaking to PafosPress, are an important milestone in the modernization process of Local Government both in Paphos and throughout Cyprus.

How do you see things 20 days before the elections? 

As we approach the elections on June 9, my optimism for the future of our province and for my election to the position of President of the Paphos Provincial Self-Governing Organization is thriving, bolstered by the generous love and fervent support I have received from every corner of it our province. The love and trust of the Paphites is the vital fuel for the realization of my vision to make Paphos a protagonist in the development chart of Cyprus. Our campaign lives and breathes with the pulse of the daily life of the residents of Paphos. Every dialogue, every personal meeting, every exchange of views has provided me with rich inspiration and has rekindled my commitment to serve with even greater dedication and enthusiasm in the newly established Pafos Provincial Self-Government Organization.

How difficult will this undertaking be? 

Certainly at the beginning there will be some difficulties, but the creation of the District Self-Government Organizations (DSOs) is expected to be an important milestone in the modernization process of local self-government in the country. These Organisations, which will take responsibility for the issuance of planning and building permits, water supply, drainage and urban waste management, are set to start operating on July 1, 2024. They will integrate critical functions such as Water Supply, Sewerage , Solid Waste Management and Development Permitting, being a central point of management and responsibility for each province. This central role makes EOAs critical factors in improving citizens' daily lives, enhancing economic development and business activity, as well as protecting the environment. Therefore, the smooth launch of the ESAs on the scheduled date is a vital objective.

What will be the first things you will do if elected? 

As part of a strategic regeneration of Paphos, we will implement a pioneering administrative model governed by the principles of sustainability, transparency and efficiency. This model will support development through a well-organized economic, social and environmental policy, which will strengthen the development character of the region. It will aim to create an innovative management and leadership framework and will adapt flexibly to the new challenges of local government and will seek the highest possible service to the citizen with full respect for legality and transparency. In practice, this model will include the integration of modern online services, the improvement of organizational structures and the training of staff in new technologies, thus enhancing the ability of management to respond to changes and needs.

The upgrading of the economy of Paphos will be promoted through the strengthening of local businesses and cooperation with state agencies and the private sector, while rural development will be supported by strengthening initiatives aimed at the production of traditional products and the promotion of agritourism, taking advantage of the direct involvement of local communities. Finally, we will provide ongoing support and advice to local municipal and community authorities for the implementation of infrastructure projects and other necessary initiatives, through available support mechanisms, aiming to consolidate integrated and sustainable development.

How important is the relationship that the EOA P should have together with the elected in the Municipalities and Communities? 

The newly created Organization is drastically reforming the structure of the administration of services to citizens, bypassing intermediary bodies such as municipalities and communities, particularly in matters such as water supply pricing. This leads to the creation of a single provincial authority with broad administrative powers in important areas such as water, sewerage, waste management, development consent and environmental planning, areas which now go beyond the jurisdiction of local authorities.

As defined in the law, the relations between the Agency Council and the local authorities are characterized by cooperation and not by hierarchical submission or control. This structure guarantees that effective cooperation with the Mayors of Paphos, East Paphos, Akamas and Polis Chrysochous will be possible and independent of who holds the mayoral position, always focusing on the well-being of our province. From July 1, the Agency takes over these critical services, becoming the central pillar of the development and management of the above services. I would like to make it clear that I will cooperate with all those who will be elected to the office of Mayor and Community Leader with the aim of making Paphos a protagonist on the development map of Cyprus.

Are you concerned about the staffing of the Organization? 

It is imperative to carefully select leaders with the necessary knowledge and experience in the respective responsibilities, in order to avoid delays and the possible waste of valuable time in the first critical stages of their operation. Effective leadership in the initial phases of operation of any organization is essential, as it is the period when the foundations are laid for future development and growth. A leader with the necessary wisdom and expertise can anticipate potential obstacles and adopt proactive strategies that will prevent wasted resources and time.

Do you embrace what is widely heard that there are many positions and high-ranking officials who might make this management model financially difficult?

First of all, let me remind you that the Minister of the Interior, Konstantinos Ioannou, recently stated that the Provincial Organizations will be staffed with more staff than what has been requested so that their operation is smooth from July 1, 2024. The improvement of citizen service is a critical factor for sustainability of the operating model of the Provincial Organizations. When citizens are served efficiently and in a timely manner, this creates a positive impression that contributes to trust in public services and enhances overall acceptance and support for the system. Thus, not only does the quality of life of the citizens improve, but the efficiency of the administration is also enhanced, making this model sustainable and functional in the long term.

What message are you sending to voters?

We are at a critical juncture for the future of our district, and the decision we are going to make in the upcoming election will set our course for years to come. I invite you to choose me for my visionary approach, which will bring renewal and progress to the Pafos District Self-Government Organization.

I have accumulated experience, knowledge, determination and passion to implement a strong and sustainable development plan for Paphos. I am fully committed to strengthening the local economy, promoting social cohesion and improving the quality of life for all Paphites.

Your vote for me is a vote for:

  • Development that respects the environment and our local traditions.
  • Programs that will boost innovation and technological progress.
  • Strengthening social structures and health services.
  • Education that prepares the new generations for the challenges of the future.
  • Transparency, integrity and active participation of citizens in decision-making processes.

I invite you to go to the polls en masse and support the candidate who will bring Paphos into the next decade with stability and vision. It is time to act with unity and faith for the common good. Your vote is valuable. Vote for Paphos, vote for the future!

Charalambos Pittokopitis: "There is enthusiasm and love from the world for our candidacy"

Experienced, knowledgeable and well-prepared, with several electoral contests on his resume, Charalambos Pittokopitis enters the first electoral "battle" for the position of President of the Pafos Provincial Self-Governing Organization.

Starting the pre-election campaign first and having the support of DIKO and AKEL, Pampos Pittokopitis has so far covered the geographical territory of Paphos several times, conveying his positions and program.

Mr. Pittokopitis, how do you see things a month before the elections?

During my meetings with the residents of our District in every corner and area of ​​Pafos, I can see an enthusiasm and a love from the people.

In my dialogue, with them I gain confidence and enthusiasm which strengthens my own momentum for the final victory on June 9.

The messages I receive are messages of encouragement and recruitment, a fact that strengthens optimism and the perspective that with the prevalence of my candidacy, a new, better and more human-centered era will dawn for our Region.

How difficult will this undertaking be?

The position of the Regional Governor is undoubtedly a critical position which requires skills in resource management, the development of political and strategic ideas for the well-being of our country and constant communication with the citizens. In order to cope with these demands, I will draw on my experience in public administration and politics, my will to take proactive decisions that will bring significant benefits to our country, as well as my skills in problem solving and developing ideas. I have all the necessary technocratic knowledge, but also the necessary political will, experience and vision, so that I am able to offer more and better services to the citizen and at the same time actively participate in the economic, social and cultural development of our Province more broadly.

What will be the first things you will do if elected?

My highest priority is to upgrade and improve the lives of the residents of Paphos District with a plan based on my vision, knowledge, experience and of course the feedback I receive from my constant contact and communication with the people of Paphos.

My main goal and pursuit is to contribute to the upgrading of the quality of life of our fellow citizens through the abolition of complex, time-consuming procedures and the promotion of innovative practices aimed at the highest quality and fastest service.

With my experience and my commitment to the values ​​of transparency, justice and sustainability, I can effectively and reliably be beneficial for the upgrading of our Region.

Briefly, I state my immediate priorities in terms of development projects such as the construction of the Paphos Marina, the rapid completion of the 4-lane road, Paphos - Polis Chrysochous, the creation of a highway from the Tombs of the Kings to the Coral Bay.

Environmental issues and rural support will also be at the center of my interest and attention. I aim to act immediately and catalytically with specific proposals and solutions that will provide substantial support to the countryside and our communities, which year after year are becoming more and more deserted while simultaneously supporting the primary sector with targeted actions.

At the same time, high on the agenda of my priorities is the creation of additional university schools in our wider region and the immediate upgrading of the public hospitals of Paphos - Polis Chrysochous, as well as the rural medical centers.

Vision of all of us, a Paphos of progress, development and innovation with many new perspectives and possibilities.

A vision of all of us, a smart, green, humane Paphos, a Paphos attractive not only to visitors, but also to its permanent residents, a Paphos that can keep close to its children who today are forced to flee to other cities and the worst in other countries to ensure better living conditions.

I note that my candidacy is diverse and is supported by both political parties and movements/movements as well as ordinary citizens of my Province. I keep an open channel of communication with new people and always walk with "clean hands".

How important is the relationship that PEOA should have with the elected officials in the Municipalities and Communities?

The president of the EOA will be responsible for the issuance of town planning and building permits, water supply, drainage and municipal waste management. By extension, it is extremely important for the president of the provincial self-government organization to maintain an open and honest dialogue with all elected officials in each municipality and community of our Province.

Cooperation with them is vital and is the key to a more immediate and targeted response to the challenges faced by the residents of our Region.

Are you concerned about the staffing of the Organization?

The correct and sufficient staffing of the EOA is of primary importance for the EOA to be able to offer its services to the citizens without interruption. Human resources are the heart of every organization and therefore only with sufficient staff will the EOA be able to carry out its highly important and executive work.

I must note that the Department of Town Planning, SAPA, Landfill, and green areas have their own structure, staffing and organization and we will take all necessary actions to strengthen and upgrade them.

On top of this existing staffing we will build by identifying any additional staffing needs and after first utilizing the dynamics and experience of the existing staff.

Do you embrace what is widely heard that there are many positions and high-ranking officials who might make this management model financially difficult?

Everything will be seen during the implementation of the reform and any problems that arise will be dealt with radically. Due to the difference in numbers, it is reasonable and expected that there will be some difficulties at the beginning that we will have to face with a calm plan and vision. However, what should be emphasized is that the reform of Local Self-Government is considered and is one of the most important reforms that have been adopted since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. The life cycle of the institution of Local Government as we knew it until now has been closed for several years and the passing of the relevant legislation in 2022 was an absolute necessity to ensure that our fellow citizens will benefit from quality upgraded services in a short period of time and much more financially. It is normal and expected that in a reform of such a form and extent, failures and distortions will occur.

 But in no case should we lose sight of the big picture for the small and less important. Whatever problems arise, which are sure to arise, will be dealt with in the course of implementing the reform, and I think it is disastrous that certain circles are trying to undermine and torpedo this great effort before it is even implemented.

Marios Tselepos: "Beyond expected support for our candidacy"

We are well into the final stretch of the upcoming multiple election contests on June 9, and one contest that stands out in particular is the one for the election of the District Governor, or more correctly, the President of the Paphos Local Government Organization.

One of the three candidates, Marios Tselepos , who is number 3 on the ballot , spoke to PafosPress and expressed his satisfaction with the course of the pre-election, stating that the support he is receiving is greater than he initially expected.

  1. How do you see things less than a month before the elections? 

From the beginning it was optimistic since my decision to come down was also made after a discussion with the citizens of my province. Today I can say that the messages we receive and the support we receive are beyond expectations. Despite the propaganda, common in the pre-election period, about a low percentage, all polls so far show us with high percentages and very close to my opponents.

Our electoral staff (opposite the Paphos Technical School) is open every day and is a meeting point for information on both the new organization and my plan.  

Unfortunately through our excursions we find that they have kept people in the dark about both the responsibilities of the EOA and who has the right to vote. I emphasize that the EOA has to do with the everyday life of the citizen and all the electors of the District vote.

  • How difficult will this undertaking be? 

The task is difficult, in the sense that I have announced my candidacy only two months before the elections. But I believe that with the help of my staff, friends and partners, the lost ground has been covered. My recognition is at the highest levels both because of my professional career so far and my social contribution. The world has embraced my candidacy because of the above but also because I am the only truly independent one, without party burdens and commitments. I am the electorate's answer to the non-recycling of persons and the intertwined interests of the establishment.

  • What will be the first things you will do if elected? 

Initially acquaintance and contact/discussion with ALL operators for feedback regarding the existing problems they face, informing them about the provisions of the relevant legislation and presenting the initial strategic plan for its implementation. The waters are uncharted but with the help of the heads of departments and services we will work to create this plan.

Through the procedures, we will encourage and promote the participation of the residents in the issues affecting their areas. We are already in contact with organized groups related to the EOA and departments that will be absorbed to present the problems they identify and in a spirit of consensus, actions are added to solve and improve the processes in the general plan we are drawing up.

I avoid the long YES and loud words that citizens are now tired of hearing. All I can promise is to roll up my sleeves and work tirelessly for my province. The citizen should feel that he has EOA NEXT TO HIM, WITH HIM and NOT AGAINST HIM.

On July 1, the doors of the organization must be wide open to welcome the public of Paphos and at the same time the implementation of the plan must begin.

  • How important is the relationship that the EOA should have with the elected officials in the Municipalities and Communities? 

These relationships are initially described in the legislation itself. Some points need to be made clearer and I'm sure there will be changes and improvements along the way.

It is of huge importance and I look forward to the full cooperation of the EOA with the Mayors and Councillors and it is something that the voter should take into account. Imagine what a huge issue will arise if the new EOA president does not have good relations with a Mayor or Mayor. As a character I am consensual, open to constructive criticism, exchange of opinions but at the same time decisive.

Together all the local authorities should work for the greater good of our province, away from petty politics and party interests. There is no margin for failure in implementing the new model, only room for improvement. For this reason we must work consensually, efficiently and setting a plan of priorities. Our common vision must be the prosperity of our province.

  • Are you concerned about the staffing of the Organization? 

I have mentioned it many times in my public statements, that the human resources of the new organization is my big concept and priority. At the moment there is no complete organizational chart to be able to comment on whether there are staffing shortages. The lack of an organizational chart has a negative impact since the staff who will be absorbed will, and rightfully so, have many questions and uncertainty about some issues. I have also found this from my visits to the organizations under consolidation. I assure them that my experience in the private sector, my daily contact with employees and the fact that I myself am an employee (and not a professional politician) will help me to be by their side and give practical and as fast as possible solutions (observing the procedures of course intended).

  • Do you embrace what is widely heard that there are many positions and high-ranking officials who might make this management model financially difficult?

In general, the financial data of this new organization will be a big puzzle. The first budgets will be drawn up and we will act accordingly. I don't think it's because of the many high-ranking positions that will make the finances difficult. With proper management, EOA Paphos will operate efficiently and with the aim of providing economic relief to the citizens as well.

  • What message are you sending to voters?

 I address the citizen with honesty and responsibility and I ask for his vote because, as I typically write in my own tenets:

I AM CAPABLE and I have proven it through my professional activity.

I AM HONEST as a professional, as a family man and as an active member of the public.

I AM A HARD WORKER and I have proven it in practice that I am not without the will to work hard to achieve a result.

I AM ONE OF YOU since I come from a family next door, which has always stood by our fellow citizens.

I AM AGAINST THE CORRUPT INDUSTRY that contributes to the high levels of corruption Europe ranks us in. We ourselves and all of us must act for the good of our children.   

I SAY NO TO RECYCLING OF FACES and I invite you to choose new indestructible faces.

I AM EFFECTIVE since the business sector I operate in requires me to plan, follow schedules and complete the projects I undertake.

I AM NOT A "PROFESSIONAL" POLITICIAN and I am not looking for multiple pensions and jumping from position to position. I am asking for an opportunity to prove my worth and be judged on my performance, not my PR.


I PATHOLOGICALLY LOVE OUR PAFOS JUST LIKE YOU. She deserves the best and I will work tirelessly in that direction.