Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 Filenews 29 August 2023 - by Fanis Makridis

"F" reveals the policing plan for yesterday's event of residents of Chloraka, which evolved -at least- episodic, with destruction of property, beatings and arrest of people.

As it turns out and according to irrefutable evidence available to us, the initial plan prepared and for which the Cyprus Police is being checked, speaks of a "peaceful protest on Eleftherias Street" by residents of the community on the issue of immigration.

In it, there is provision for policing the event by members of the Pafos District Police Directorate (ADE) with 15 officers and an additional number of members serving in the Motorized Direct Action Unit (MMAD).

The plan of the police operation consists of a total of 16 points.

Here are the main ones related to the way the whole event was approached

A senior officer of the Pafos Police Headquarters, who issued the order for the operation, informed in writing all the heads of departments of the Police Force since Saturday, in relation to the "peaceful event", as he characteristically notes, on a central avenue of the community.

The goal of the Police, as it is characteristically mentioned, is to take measures aimed at regulating traffic and safety during the protest.

The recipients of the message are informed about the chief police officer in the operation and the fact that he would cooperate with the duty officer of the province.

Instructions were given for a number of members of the Pafos Police Authority, wearing operational uniform and relevant personal equipment, to present themselves two hours before the start of the demonstration.

The Traffic Police officer must take measures in order to make all necessary arrangements during the protest.

A member of the Police was assigned to arrange for the equipment of the members of the Pafos Police Directorate who will carry anti-riot equipment. There is clearly talk of a number of helmets, clubs and shields, equivalent to 12 police officers. The list accompanying the order also lists three more members of the police force (15 in total), who had other duties.

A clear recommendation is made that human rights be respected in policing.

Instructions are given for the members of the MMAD to be at the protest site at 17:45, i.e. 15 minutes before the start of the event.
General supervision duties are assigned to a senior officer of the Pafos Police Authority, who was invited to have a physical presence at the protest site.

The number under discussion

The exact number of police officers who were at the scene for policing purposes is under discussion. And this if we consider the data we have at our disposal, relevant information, but also official positions expressed to us.

According to what emerges from the order of an operation, the content of which is at the disposal of "F" and cannot be disputed, 15 officers of the Pafos Police Authority were recruited for this special duty, with 12 of them wearing anti-riot equipment.  Beyond that, the relevant order does not specify the number of members of the Mechanized Immediate Action Unit who participated in the operation. Information, at the same time, speaks of a force equivalent to two patrols of the MMAD, that is, eight officers.

However, on behalf of the Cyprus Police, different positions are expressed. Police spokesman Christos Andreou yesterday repeatedly spoke of a total of 70 police officers performing duties for the needs of the protest. "F" contacted Mr. Andreou and asked him the numbers we had in mind (15 from ADE + 7 from MMAD). He insisted on the number of 70 police officers and said that there were 22 members of the Pafos Police Authority, 22 members of the MMAD and another 26 officers who performed other related duties, such as the relevant traffic arrangements

"F" also contacted the president of the community of Chlorakas, Nikolas Liasidis, in order to take his positions on the issue of policing. "We were in constant contact with the police," was his initial comment. He explained that when the situation seemed to escalate, "the police, to be fair, brought reinforcements and prevented incidents between Syrians and natives." Mr. Liasidis added that "there were 25 members of the MMAD, three police vans and a team of police officers of the Paphos Police Authority. When the riots began, two anti-riot teams that had previously been on duty in Limassol also came."

Government spokesman Konstantinos Letympiotis, in his statements yesterday at the Presidential Palace, said "how will yesterday's planning be evaluated. the day before yesterday, as is always the case." He hastened to add, however, that "in such an event with the massive turnout that took place during the event or after the reaction, the capabilities that a police force can have in the city are specific, which is why there was a need for reinforcement."

In his initial comment and asked to comment on criticism of poor policing, he said that "yesterday afternoon the Chief of Police himself went and the policing of the area was reinforced with special forces. At the same time, we must note that not everyone can take the law into their own hands."

Conviction and reports of far-right elements

DISY, DIKO, DPA-Cooperation, EDEK, Ecologists and AKEL with official positions condemned the incidents, without missing reports of far-right elements found participating in the event. On behalf of the US-Cooperation, concern was expressed "about the intrusion of far-right elements into the peaceful protest of local residents". Moreover, Eleni Mavrou, a member of AKEL's political bureau, noted:

"AKEL condemns last night's incidents in Chloraka and the surrounding area. The images of far-right groups attacking defenseless people in an organized way evoke pogroms and are reminiscent of dark times in history. The situation created in Chloraka is the vivid imprint of the lack of a comprehensive migration policy.

It is well known that the Anastasiades administration, instead of formulating policies on asylum, migration and integration, was limited to piecemeal and ineffective moves that invested in fear and racist hysteria and bred fanaticism and the far right. Migration is a complex issue that all modern societies are confronted with.
The current administration must assume the grave responsibility arising from the situation that has been created and act immediately, condemning the incidents, identifying the perpetrators and, most importantly, taking immediate measures that effectively address the issues that arise regarding migration."

In its announcement, DISY notes that "an immediate and holistic approach to the issue in Chloraka is required, with due seriousness on the part of the state and the use of all legal means to restore order and the sense of security of citizens."