Friday, June 16, 2023


 in-cyprus 16 June 2023 - by Stelios Marathovouniotis

The US State Department commended the Republic of Cyprus for its progress in combatting human trafficking, in its annual report released on Friday.

The State Department notes that the country demonstrated sustained efforts in combating trafficking, resulting in its placement on Tier 1.

As stressed, authorities have successfully identified more victims and have issued stricter sentences for perpetrators involved in trafficking crimes. To expedite prosecutions, prosecutors were provided with internal instructions prioritising trafficking cases, and virtual testimony was permitted to protect victims from re-traumatisation during trials.

Furthermore, Cyprus has maintained a robust victim assistance programme. As part of these efforts, the government increased the weekly cash allowance for victims and hired 50 social workers to cater to vulnerable communities. Moreover, awareness campaigns were organised throughout the country, specifically targeting rural and remote areas that may be prone to forced labour and other labour violations.

More funding, training and better enforcement of regulations needed

However, despite Cyprus meeting the minimum standards and securing convictions, challenges persist, it is noted. The report highlights a decrease in the number of traffickers convicted and defendants prosecuted. The Social Welfare Services (SWS) has been criticised for its delayed response to referrals of potential victims and for failing to refer all potential victims to the police for official identification procedures.

Additionally, the government has faced criticism for reducing overall funding for victim assistance and failing to disburse financial aid to victims promptly. Judges have not been consistently issuing restitution as part of sentencing, while victims have never received compensation from the established fund.

One of the primary recommendations is for authorities to vigorously investigate, prosecute, and convict traffickers under Law 60(I), which includes addressing any potential involvement of complicit officials. Efforts to proactively identify victims among vulnerable populations, such as migrants, asylum-seekers, and agricultural workers, have also been emphasised.

It is also crucial, as mentioned, that sufficient resources are allocated to law enforcement agencies for thorough investigations and to the Social Welfare Services (SWS) for timely referral of potential victims. Adequate resources for victim protection and assistance, including healthcare access, rental disbursements, and financial aid, are also necessary to reduce delays and ensure timely support.

The report recommends seeking adequate penalties for convicted traffickers, including significant prison terms, and providing training to judges across all levels of the judiciary to consider the severity of trafficking when issuing sentences. Additionally, it suggests, increasing training for government personnel, on victim identification, assistance, and referral.

Efforts to reduce delays in court proceedings are also highlighted, along with strengthening the capacity of the Labor Inspectorate to identify and refer victims of forced labour.

The report underscores the need for victim-centred investigations and prosecutions, along with the implementation of witness protection measures when necessary. It further recommends the implementation of recommendations made by the Ombudsman and other entities involved in monitoring and evaluating anti-trafficking policies and efforts.

Suggestions were also made to improve the restitution process, including training judges on restitution in criminal cases, establishing procedures to seize assets from traffickers, and creating effective methods for the timely allocation of restitution. Moreover, the government is urged to inform all identified victims of their right to pursue compensation and encourage them to do so.

Trafficking profile

The report analyses the trafficking profile of the country, pointing out that foreign victims identified in Cyprus in 2022 originated from Cameroon, Eastern Europe, Egypt, India, Nepal, and Nigeria.

Primarily, women from Eastern Europe, South and Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa are subjected to sex trafficking by traffickers operating in Cyprus. The exploitation of these victims occurs in private apartments, hotels, streets, bars, pubs, coffee shops, massage parlours, and cabarets notorious for commercial sex activities.

Traffickers take advantage of short-term tourist visas available to Ukrainians and Russians to recruit young women into sex trafficking, enticing them with false promises of marriage or work as barmaids or hostesses. Additionally, foreign migrant workers, primarily from North Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, are subjected to forced labour in the agricultural sector.

Domestic workers from India, Nepal, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka are vulnerable to forced labour, while asylum-seekers from Southeast Asia and Africa are exploited in agriculture and domestic work.

The profile emphasises that unaccompanied children, children of migrants, Roma individuals, and asylum-seekers face heightened vulnerability to sex trafficking and forced labour. Romani children, in particular, are susceptible to forced begging.

Furthermore, traffickers exploit Cypriots struggling with drug addiction and young women with disabilities, forcing them to commit criminal offences such as distributing illegal substances and engaging in welfare benefits fraud.

Inadequate response in the areas not controlled by the Republic of Cyprus

The area administered by Turkish Cypriots – as the report refers to the Turkish-occupied area of Cyprus – continues to grapple with human trafficking, with Turkish Cypriot “authorities” facing criticism for their insufficient efforts. According to the report, despite some recent “legislative amendments”, the overall response to trafficking remains inadequate, jeopardising the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals within the region.

The report notes that the “trnc” faces international non-recognition, with the exception of Turkey. Within this context, it adds, Turkish Cypriot “authorities” have failed to prioritise victim protection, assistance, and prevention measures against trafficking. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the challenges faced in addressing trafficking, highlighting the urgent need for stronger anti-trafficking capacity.

Only one trafficker was “convicted” under the “trafficking article” in December 2022, and no further “investigations” or “prosecutions” took place in 2022.

Victim protection remains a major concern, as “Turkish Cypriot police” failed to identify any trafficking victims or provide essential support services such as shelter, healthcare, and psychological assistance. Moreover, Turkish Cypriot “authorities” did not allocate sufficient funding for prevention efforts or implement awareness campaigns to combat trafficking effectively.

Allegations have also been made regarding the involvement of “government officials” in organised criminal groups associated with nightclubs. Some “police officers” are also believed to maintain connections with nightclub managers, owners, and operators, hindering efforts to address trafficking concerns effectively.

In the Turkish-occupied area, traffickers exploit women from Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa in sex trafficking in nightclubs licensed and regulated by Turkish Cypriot “authorities”. Men and women are exploited in forced labour in the industrial, construction, agriculture, domestic work, restaurant, and retail sectors. Traffickers control forced labour victims through debt-based coercion, threats of “deportation”, restriction of movement, and inhumane living and working conditions.

Migrants, especially those who cross into the Turkish-occupied area after their work permits in the Republic of Cyprus have expired, are vulnerable to labour trafficking. Romani children and Turkish seasonal workers and their families are also vulnerable to labour exploitation and trafficking, the report concludes.

(Source: Cyprus News Agency)