Sunday, June 25, 2023


 in-cyprus 25 June 2023 - by gavriella

A terrorist attack on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, which was believed to have been aimed at killing citizens of Jewish origin, has been prevented.

The perpetrators were reportedly the intelligence services, apparently linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

This, informed sources say, was achieved through coordinated actions and operations by the country’s intelligence service, in cooperation with Western partners, believed to be the respective American and Israeli services.

This is the second such operation, following the arrest two years ago of an Azeri with a Russian passport, who also appears to have been acting on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

In relation to the latter case, Cyprus’s state intelligence services have been closely monitoring these movements over the last few months, and the attack, as we are informed, was recently prevented.

This is a network of terrorists who seem to be making full use of the occupied territories from where their recruits are sent to the free areas from points not controlled by the Republic of Cyprus.