Sunday, June 18, 2023


 Filenews 18 June 2023 - by Angelos Nicolaou

The prevention and combating of all forms of poaching in the Republic of Cyprus, including both protected and huntable species of wild birds and other wildlife species, such as mouflon, is expected to be the re-establishment of the Anti-Poaching Squad (OPPL), which will be administratively and operationally subordinate to the Commander of the Mechanized Immediate Action Unit of the Cyprus Police.

Based on the decision of the Council of Ministers, the OPL, in cooperation with the Game and Fauna Service (PIS), will jointly assist in preventing and combating offences committed on the basis of the relevant legislation.

The decision of the Council of Ministers was taken on Thursday 8/6/2023. Two days earlier, on 6/6/2023, President Christodoulides met with the United Hunters Movement of Cyprus (KEKC), which in a letter dated 4/5/2023 requested the reconstitution of the PLO. However, according to relevant announcements of the TCC, dated 9/6/2023 and 10/6/2023, there is talk of "immediate reconstitution of the platoon with action only on endemic game".

However, this position is not shared by the government, which was asked by "F" to take a clear position on this issue. According to the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the scope of action of the OPL, which will be nationwide, includes the fight against all forms and ways of poaching, both in terms of endemic and migratory prey.

It is noted that the Cyprus Federation of Hunting and Wildlife Conservation (KOK&DAZ) discussed the issue of the reconstitution of the OPL and its mode of action on 11/4/2023. According to the Greek Highway Code, "the reconstitution of the poaching platoon should concern endemic species of fauna, mainly the hare and the mouflon, which, as noted, will again remain unprotected if the platoon is consumed with the affairs of migratory birds, such as ampelopoulia".

It is noted that environmental organizations such as the Federation of Environmental Organisations of Cyprus (OPOK) and BirdLife Cyprus (PSC) also requested the reconstitution of the OPO. The environmental organizations suggested that OPL is active in all poaching issues, whether it concerns protected or huntable, endemic or migratory species of wild birds, as well as other wildlife species, such as the strictly protected, emblematic and imposing species of the Cypriot wild man.

Essentially, in its replies to "F", the Ministry of Police points out that the reconstitution of the OPL – something that is also included in the Governance Program of President Christodoulides – has been decided on the basis of a relevant study by the Chief of Police, so that the OPL can function effectively and efficiently for the accomplishment of its mission.

According to the organizational chart that has been defined, the OPP will have twice the strength it had in 2019, when its operation was suspended. More specifically, from the numerical strength of six members, the reconstituted OPL will number 13 Members of the Police headed by an Officer. The OPA will assist the MPA in the execution of its responsibilities, as they stem from the relevant legislation.

Asked by "F" whether the OPL will focus exclusively on issues of protection of endemic game from poaching and/or will deal with the prevention and combating of all forms of poaching and mainly tackling the phenomenon of illegal, non-selective and mass trapping of migratory wild birds, both protected (e.g. ampelopouli) and huntable (e.g. tzikla), the answer of the MoD was clear.

In particular, it notes that the scope of action of the OPL includes the fight against all kinds of poaching, both in terms of the protection of endemic game and migratory game. The main duties and responsibilities of the members of the OPP, as they derive from the relevant legislation, concern the conduct of patrols, checks of suspicious persons, investigation of information on acts of poaching as well as complaints and arrest of persons involved in the commission of such offenses.

The decision of the Council of Ministers authorizes the Ministers of Interior and Justice to proceed with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Cyprus Police and the MPA as soon as possible. Among other things, the OPL will have as its main tasks the prevention and combating of poaching, the provision of all possible assistance to hunters and the training of hunters.

>Memorandum of Understanding

According to the MoD, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Police and the MoD includes a clear reference that the actions of the two contracting parties take into account the National and European policy/strategy for effectively dealing with offences falling under relevant legislation and relating to crimes against wild species, conservation of migratory species and wildlife, international trade in prohibited species, illegal killing and trapping. The memorandum also states that the participating parties may act autonomously or jointly, on the basis of the relevant legislation.

Furthermore, the Council of Ministers adopted the proposal submitted to it by the Ministry of Defence with the sole indication that the formation of the OPL should be done immediately by the existing personnel of the Police and without waiting for the approval of new positions. As soon as possible, he will also sign the relevant memorandum of cooperation between the Police and the MPA.

>The dissolution of the PLO in 2019

OPL was originally founded on 21/6/2007. Until its dissolution on 14/11/2019, it has proven to have contributed decisively to the efforts to combat all forms of poaching in the Republic of Cyprus. These efforts involved poaching both protected and huntable species of wild birds and other wildlife, as well as poaching of wild animals.

The dissolution of the PLO in 2019 has created an irreplaceable gap in efforts to combat all forms of poaching in the Republic of Cyprus. At the same time, it has brought a huge operational workload to the Ministry of Interior's MPA, which is now called upon to fulfil its mission, responsibilities and duties, without virtually any operational support.

Support to the Game and Fauna Service

The OPL was initially founded on 27/6/2007 and was part of the MMAD. Its main tasks and mission were:

• The prevention and combating of poaching,

• The provision of all possible assistance to hunters,

• Training hunters on safety issues and informing them about legislation, and

• The expansion and strengthening of the cooperation of the Police with all relevant bodies.

On 14/11/2019, after preparing a relevant investigation and taking into account the fact that the responsibility for preventing, combating and prosecuting illegal trapping of birds and other species of wildlife, belongs to the MPA and the Police assists and supports its work where and where the need arises, with the ultimate goal of achieving efficiency and the best possible management of human resources, the then Chief of Police proceeded to abolish this ARM.

It should be noted that, despite the abolition of the OPL, the Police continues to this day to act in support of the MPA and contributes at all times to operations and actions related to the fight against poaching. To this end, the Deputy Commander for Operations of the THMC was appointed as a contact point for continuing the close cooperation with the IMP. At the same time, the "Hunter's Line" continues to operate on a 24-hour basis at the number 1414, where any information on issues related to poaching can be provided, which is evaluated and used accordingly.

Since 1990, MPA has been acting both to prevent and to combat all forms of poaching. It is noted that since July 2017, when the legislation on the extrajudicial regulation of all offences arising from the Protection and Management of Wild Birds and Game Law was implemented, more than 3,200 extrajudicial fines have been issued with the total fine approaching €3.5 million, which shows the need to support and strengthen its efforts. It is noted that the amendment of 2017, which includes the extrajudicial regulation of all offenses, was made with the aim of:

• The decongestion of the courts and the saving of valuable working hours by all involved,

• The immediate imposition of a fine,

• The imposition of higher penalties commensurate with the seriousness and extent of the offences, and

• The publication of the imposition of fines so that they act as a deterrent.

• In case the fine is not paid within the time period specified by law and will be presented before a court, the judge must have before him a clear indication of the extrajudicial penalty imposed.

Since then, the reconstitution and reactivation of the OPL has been and continues to be a timeless demand of civil society and especially of hunters who are represented by KOK & DAZ and KEKK. In addition, the reconstitution of the OPL is included in the Governance Programme of the President of the Republic, in the Thematic Section under the title "Policy 5 – Protection of the rich biodiversity of Cyprus".

Police requested 13 new positions

For the purpose of implementing the reconstitution of the OPL, the Chief of Police prepared a relevant study, which, among other things, records specific actions required so that the OPL under reconstitution functions effectively and efficiently for the accomplishment of its mission. Specifically, the Chief of Police states that in order to enable the reconstitution of the OPL, it is necessary to grant 13 new organic positions to the Police, namely one position of Lieutenant, two positions of Sergeants and 10 positions of Constable who will staff the OPL.

Based on the organizational chart, the operation of the OPP begins with two teams. Both will be headed by a Lieutenant. Each team will have one Sergeant and five Constables.

According to the Chief of Police, the need for these new positions arises from the ever-increasing service duties, as well as the demands of society, as well as the fact that the Police must respond promptly and effectively to them.

To this end, the Ministry of Finance, by letter dated 16/3/2023, to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, submitted a relevant request for approval of the 13 new positions in the Police. The Department of Public Administration and Personnel, in a reply letter dated 11/5/2023, informed that the Ministry of Finance does not agree with the creation of the above additional positions in the Police and that the request could be reconsidered, after filling the vacancies in the Police, which are already approved, and reassessing the staffing needs of the OPP in the context of the cooperation with the Police Department.

In addition, in the context of the consultation between the Police and the MPA and with the aim of defining the framework of cooperation between the two parties on issues related to the prevention and combating of poaching and the establishment of the Police's assistance to the MPA, it was agreed to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation. This Memorandum was prepared by the Police in cooperation with the MPA and is ready for signature by the competent Ministers of Interior and Justice. It is also noted that the cooperation framework of the two Services involved was also discussed at the level of competent Ministries on the sidelines of the Conference on the prevention and suppression of fires convened by the Minister of Interior on 29.3.2023.

It is noted that, in consultation with all interested parties and organizations, the Traffic Authority, the CSMC, the CSO and the PSC agree with the reconstitution of the OPP.

Support to the Game and Fauna Service

The OPL was initially founded on 27/6/2007 and was part of the MMAD. Its main tasks and mission were:

• The prevention and combating of poaching,

• The provision of all possible assistance to hunters,

• Training hunters on safety issues and informing them about legislation, and

• The expansion and strengthening of the cooperation of the Police with all relevant bodies.

On 14/11/2019, after preparing a relevant investigation and taking into account the fact that the responsibility for preventing, combating and prosecuting illegal trapping of birds and other species of wildlife, belongs to the MPA and the Police assists and supports its work where and where the need arises, with the ultimate goal of achieving efficiency and the best possible management of human resources, the then Chief of Police proceeded to abolish this ARM.

It should be noted that, despite the abolition of the OPL, the Police continues to this day to act in support of the MPA and contributes at all times to operations and actions related to the fight against poaching. To this end, the Deputy Commander for Operations of the THMC was appointed as a contact point for continuing the close cooperation with the IMP. At the same time, the "Hunter's Line" continues to operate on a 24-hour basis at the number 1414, where any information on issues related to poaching can be provided, which is evaluated and used accordingly.

Since 1990, MPA has been acting both to prevent and to combat all forms of poaching. It is noted that since July 2017, when the legislation on the extrajudicial regulation of all offences arising from the Protection and Management of Wild Birds and Game Law was implemented, more than 3,200 extrajudicial fines have been issued with the total fine approaching €3.5 million, which shows the need to support and strengthen its efforts. It is noted that the amendment of 2017, which includes the out-of-court regulation of all offenses, was made with the aim of: • Decongesting the courts and saving valuable working hours by all involved, • The immediate imposition of a fine, • The imposition of higher penalties that are proportional to the severity and extent of the offenses, and • The publication of the imposition of fines so that they act as a deterrent. • In case the fine is not paid within the time period specified by law and will be presented before a court, the judge must have before him a clear indication of the extrajudicial penalty imposed.

Since then, the reconstitution and reactivation of the OPL has been and continues to be a timeless demand of civil society and especially of hunters who are represented by KOK & DAZ and KEKK. In addition, the reconstitution of the OPL is included in the Governance Programme of the President of the Republic, in the Thematic Section under the title "Policy 5 – Protection of the rich biodiversity of Cyprus".