Tuesday, June 20, 2023



19-06-2023 20:00

Keynote speech by the President of the Republic, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, at the Israel-Hellenic Forum Cyprus Plenary

Before I begin, allow me, please, to convey, along with his remarks, the apologies of the President, as other extraordinary commitments prevented him from being with us today.

It is a great honour for the Republic of Cyprus and its citizens to be hosting, here in Cyprus, the third Convention of the Israel-Hellenic Forum. Convened for the first time in 2019 in Jerusalem, and then reconvened in 2022 in Athens, it has now become a successful institution, that brings together academics, intellectuals, diplomats, analysts and other public figures from Israel, Greece and Cyprus, thus combining both the theoretical and practical perspectives.

Undoubtedly, this forum constitutes another tangible manifestation of the strong and long-lasting trilateral cooperation between Israel, Greece and Cyprus. A cooperation, which is firmly based on solid foundations, on common principles and values and of course a common vision for our region.

Our trilateral cooperation has evolved considerably, since its inception, and we can proudly say that it is nothing else but a strategic partnership. A partnership that touches upon an array of fields, including, inter alia, energy, defence, crisis management and emergency response, cyber security, research and innovation, business, tourism and of course people to people contacts, including our vibrant diasporas.

Undoubtedly, an important development of our cooperation is its expansion within the framework of 3+1 scheme, with the participation of the USA. A development that showcases in practice the prospect that this cooperation has, for the benefit of the region and beyond.

For the Republic of Cyprus, the strengthening and deepening of our already excellent relations with Israel, always in cooperation with Greece of course, is part of a holistic strategy with regards to our foreign policy, which is high on the agenda the cooperation with all like-minded countries in our region.

The Eastern Mediterranean region is adjacent to a region which, until recently at least, more often than not, had been in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. Turmoil, asymmetric threats of terrorism, religious extremism and exercise of force by some of our neighbors are only some of the challenges often troubling our region.

Concurrently, though, it is a fascinating region abundant in potential opportunities, mainly deriving from its important geostrategic perspective location. Opportunities that can only be unleashed through cooperation, rather than conflict. It is our strong believe that the development of synergies in a spirit of mutual understanding and collaboration, and always by fully complying with the rules of international law, including the law of the sea, and the principles of good neighborliness, is a prerequisite for a conducive environment, in which peace and security in the region will prevail. Only in this way will we be able to transform the Eastern Mediterranean, from an area of challenges into an area of cooperation and coexistence, and in this direction we are working closely together with Greece and Israel and other countries in the region.

As I mentioned above, geography is the competitive advantage of the Eastern Mediterranean, especially in conjunction with the EU member state status of Cyprus and Greece, which can act as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East.

Α comparative advantage, that will be further enhanced through reaching a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the Cyprus problem, within the framework of the agreed basis under the UN. A solution that will reunify Cyprus and its people, by transforming the Republic of Cyprus to a bizonal bicommunal federal state. This is the greatest goal and the highest priority of my administration and for which I assure you that I will work tirelessly. I am fully aware of the difficulties of this endeavour. I have the strong conviction, however, that the upgrading of the status of the Republic of Cyprus at the regional, European and international level is the most effective reinforcing factor in our efforts to achieve that. And the further strengthening of cooperation with Greece and Israel at the governmental level, but also with initiatives like yours, play an important role in this direction.

To conclude, I would like once again to wholeheartedly congratulate you all for conceiving and sustaining this great initiative. Special congratulations to my dear friend, Professor Andreas Theofanous, and the team of the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs for putting all this effort to organise this particular three-day forum. I have observed with satisfaction that the agenda of the forum covers a wide range of issues, such as regional and energy cooperation, Greek-Turkish relations, the Cyprus issue, as well as regional and international development. Undoubtedly, you have two busy days, full of interesting discussions ahead of you. I sincerely wish you a productive forum, so that you can subsequently feed us with your input which is always useful.


Note: The speech was delivered by the Government Spokesman, Mr Konstantinos Letymbiotis.