An increase in the quantities of drugs detected by the YKAN is recorded this year compared to last year, while after many years heroin has reappeared.

At the same time, in 2023, checks have begun in stores selling CBD oil products, i.e. products with cannabidiol, after preparations with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) considered illegal have also been detected.

According to the deputy commander of the Anti-Narcotics Agency and spokesman of YKAN, Stelios Sergidis, from the 1st of the year until June 23 this year210 kg and 772 grams of cannabis and another 15 kg and 843g have been seized of cannabis resin, while in the same period of 2022 188 kg of cannabis had been seized.

The quantities of cocaine seized this year are reduced, since so far three kilos and 408g have passed into the hands of the YKAN, compared to 15 kilos last year. However, this year after several years, one kilogram and 22g of heroin were found and confiscated, a substance that had disappeared from the market because it spreads death. As Sergides explained, this quantity may have been destined for another EU country, however, he stressed that there are large quantities of heroin within Europe that are expected to be channelled.

In terms of synthetic drugsfour kilograms and 2023g of methamphetamine were found in 872, 1,584 ecstasy tablets were seized, and for the first time 967 packages of products containing THC, which is banned. As Mr. Sergides pointed out, checks in stores selling CBD products are carried out together with the Medical and Pharmaceutical Services.

Regarding the drug cases dealt with by the competent prosecuting authorities this year, the representative of YKAN said that they reached 542 and as part of their investigation, 560 people were arrested.

Regarding the same period last year, it can be seen that the cases are slightly increased as much as the persons involved. It is also noted that over the last 10 years, the quantities detected by the Police are unrealistic by Cypriot standards, which refers to the rapid increase in cannabis use and the shift to synthetic drugs.

The YKAN officer stressed that the Service aims to seize large quantities of drugs imported into Cyprus through the airports (mainly Larnaka) of the port of Limassol and through parcels sent by post either through courier offices or with the Cyprus Post.

At the same time, with the seizures of drugs and their removal from the streets that would lead to mainly young users, the YKAN has referred to treatment centers instead of the Court, 70 young arrestees and, at the same time, another 24 persons of their supportive environment (parents, siblings) to be trained to be able to help them.

As far as drug traffickers are concerned, the Anti-Drug Agency has observed that they are constantly changing routes to fool the authorities, while most quantities come through EU countries.

At the same time, as Mr. Sergides points out, in several cases with seizures of significant quantities of drugs, people active in serious and organized crime have been arrested. This is seen as a blow to drug traffickers, however, new players are also appearing on the scene who are being monitored. It is noted that this year too, crimes have been committed, even murders, against the backdrop of drugs, since behind them are hidden interests and large amounts of money are being trafficked.

In the fight against drugs, the Department of Customs and Excise has also made a significant contribution, which in 2022 carried out a total of 60 seizures at airports, ports and parcel post offices. According to the Customs, cannabis was for another year the substance detected in the most seizures, since in 40 cases more than 219 kg were seized, while the seizures of harder drugs such as cocaine with more than 3.5 kg and small amounts of LSD, anabolic substances and synthetic drugs mixed in products containing natural cannabis are of concern.

Close cooperation with the Police (YKAN) as well as with other competent services is a prerequisite for the success of the goal of combating illegal drug trafficking as much as possible, the Department emphasizes on the occasion of yesterday's Anti-Drugs Day.