Saturday, June 24, 2023


 Filenews 24 June 2023

Until now, we knew that breathalyzer tests are carried out on vehicle drivers, but now pilots are also being tested, something that will also be tied to regulations submitted by the Ministry of Transport to Parliament.

Not only pilots will be screened, but the measure will also be extended to flight attendants.

As "F" is informed, for the time being the checks are carried out under the umbrella of a relevant EU regulation and so far there has been no incident of a drunken crew member. Some of the pilots who are tested are not happy with the whole process, some ask clarifying questions, etc., but they probably have no choice, since if they do not accept to undergo a check, they will simply not be allowed to pilot the plane, with all that this entails in cost to their company and its good name. The measure mainly covers large passenger planes, but control can also be carried out on smaller ones.

It is worth noting that pilots are also checked for substance use, something that is not done directly by Civil Aviation but through their companies.

Based on the regulations submitted to Parliament, an exhalation sample will be taken for alcohol testing by an inspector of the Department of Civil Aviation in the context of a check on aircraft crew members in the Republic of Cyprus.

The relevant regulations ("The Civil Aviation (Determination of Implementing Measures for the Control of Alcohol in Aircraft Crew Members Regulations of 2023") are expected to be discussed in Parliament in the near future. These regulations comply with Regulation (EU) 2018/1042 of the European Commission of July 23, 2018.

They shall regulate technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to the introduction of support programmes, the psychological assessment of flight crews, as well as the systematic and random testing of psychotropic substances, in order to ensure the medical fitness of cabin crew members and cabin crew members.

According to the Regulation, a "ramp inspector" of the Department of Civil Aviation may request a crew member to provide an exhalation sample for preliminary examination and the initial test result is considered:

(a) Negative, when the breath alcohol concentration is less than or equal to the equivalent level of 0,2 grams blood alcohol concentration per litre of blood;

(b) Positive, when the concentration of alcohol in the breath, is higher than the equivalent level of 0.2 grams of blood alcohol concentration.

If the crew member admits that he or she is under the influence of alcohol, the overall result shall be deemed to be positive and the crew member shall be informed of the result by the inspector, who shall take immediate administrative action.

If a crew member refuses to provide an exhalation sample, either during the preliminary examination or during the final examination, the overall result shall be deemed positive and the test crew member shall be informed of the result of the examination. The runway inspector takes immediate administrative measures.

A crew member, whose total alcohol test result is positive, commits a criminal offence according to article 250 of the Law and if convicted, is punished with imprisonment for up to two years and/or a fine not exceeding €1,700.