Thursday, May 18, 2023


 Pafos Live 18 May 2023

The problems of the industrial zone of Agia Varvara were discussed by a delegation of the Pafos Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the Minister of Agriculture.

In yesterday's meeting, they discussed the chronic problem created in the Industrial Area of Agia Varvara by the presence of Livestock Units as well as the illegalities by specific Livestock Breeders, who encroach on industrial plots and other public spaces, thus preventing the completion of the road network and creating problems in the industrial area. The Minister stressed that this is a complex problem that needs to be addressed.

Livestock farming is an important sector of the primary sector, but the current situation cannot continue. It was agreed to arrange a meeting with the involved ministries of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Interior and Energy, Trade & Industry to decide on the next steps for finding suitable livestock premises / sites for gradual transfer but also for the immediate removal of illegal premises.