Sunday, January 22, 2023


 Filenews 22 January 2023

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) gives the opportunity to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to carry out free energy audits and energy saving consulting services, through the project "Energy Efficiency for SMEs" (EU4SMEs), co-funded by the LIFE program of the European Union.

The aim of the EU4SMEs is to increase SMEs' investments in energy saving measures, in order to increase their energy efficiency, reduce their environmental footprint and reduce the emitted air pollutants.

In order to be able to support optimisation measures in the most targeted way, the project focuses on three sectors: food production [Nace Code: C10 - C11.0.7], metal processing [Nace Code: C24 - C25.9.9] and the hotel and catering industry [Nace Code: I55 - I56.3.0]. The project focuses not only on the technical aspects but also on funding and the submission of funding applications.

The project is a collaboration of 23 partners in 10 European countries and is managed by EUROCHAMBERS, the European umbrella organisation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry. In summary, the selected SMEs that deal with the sectors mentioned above and meet the criteria set by the project team, will be offered the following services:

  1. Free Energy Audits.
  2. Free consulting services and support on energy saving measures that will result in financial savings through the reduction of electricity bills.
  3. Free services through the IMPAWATT platform (energy performance monitoring, training materials, energy efficiency optimization tips, etc.).
  4. Experiences and opinions from major, pioneering companies on energy management, culture, benefits, etc.

To register a company in the list of SMEs that will benefit from the services provided by the project, click here.

For more information about the project, your registration and the services provided, please contact us by phone. 22889747 or via email to