Saturday, December 3, 2022


 Filenews 3 December 2022 - by Eleftheria Paizanos

From the stance taken yesterday by the opposition parties in the Plenary session of the Parliament, which rejected the referral of the law, by the President, to freeze the foreclosures until the end of January 2023 but limited to a minimum the protests and criticisms from the floor of the Parliament, it seems increasingly clear that the informal agreement that was reportedly made between the President of the Republic and the parties is on track for implementation.

As "F" wrote yesterday, President Nicos Anastasiades is now almost certain to sign the law he referred back, so that the suspension of the law on auctions will be applied - from the day it will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic - for a limited period of time. The initial decision of the Parliament provided for a three-month suspension (until 31/1/2023), but almost a month has already elapsed without the suspension being applied.

Yesterday's decision of the Parliament to reject the referral will be sent to the Presidential from week to week and President Anastasiades within 15 days will have to announce his final verdict. A competent source told "F" that after the unofficial commitments given to party leaders by the President of the Republic, the legislation will be signed a few days before Christmas, so that it can enter into force for one to one and a half months. We were also told that due to the Supreme Court's decision last May (which ruled the previous three-month suspension of foreclosures to be constitutional), it is not legally correct for the Court to be called upon to rule (through a petition) on essentially the same legislation, from which the only thing that changes are the dates. In addition, recourse to justice will be meaningless, as the date when the law is frozen will also expire until the case is heard.