Friday, December 16, 2022


 Filenews 16 December 2022

His positions in relation to the solution of the Cyprus problem under the title "For a united Cyprus", are made public today by the independent candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides.

In the seven-page text of his proposals on the Cyprus problem, Nikos Christodoulides, after stressing that the status quo is unacceptable and not only aggravates the faits accomplis, but also provokes new ones, sets as his supreme priority and obligation from the first day of taking power, without sparing effort, toil and sacrifice the effort to break the deadlock, resumption of negotiations and resolution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of the agreed framework. It makes it clear that the sovereign equality of two entities, the two states and the confederation or other dichotomous invention are rejected from the outset and are not options, neither for negotiation nor as a solution to the Cyprus problem.

To this end, in his programmatic positions, Nikos Christodoulides proposes the assumption of an active, leading role on the part of the EU, always within the UN framework and the substantial interconnection of EU-Turkey relations and aspirations with the solution of the Cyprus problem.

To this end, a major diplomatic effort will be made to obtain a political decision by the European Council to appoint a strong political figure with specific terms of reference to break the deadlock, start negotiations and find a solution.

A clear goal for Nikos Christodoulides is a solution on the basis of a Bizonal Bicommunal Federal State, a normal, democratic state within the EU, without occupying troops, foreign guarantees and invasive rights that will restore the unity of our country, its territory, its people and its ties. A state that respects and safeguards human rights, the security of its citizens, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins.

At the same time, it is stressed that the solution should ensure for the entire Cypriot people the four basic freedoms of the EU in a united state, functional in its institutions and sustainable politically, economically, socially and demographically.

The central government of the united Cyprus must ensure a strong presence of Cyprus in Europe and in the world with a single international personality, with a single sovereignty and one citizenship.

Taking into account the above, Mr. Christodoulides' primary goal and top priority is the resumption of substantive negotiations aimed at resolving the Cyprus problem. UN resolutions, high-level agreements, the European acquis, are the framework for negotiation when talks resume. Understanding that what has been put on the table by the UN Secretary-General remains, the Guderez framework, with its positives and negatives, therefore, will also be part of the negotiating framework.

In the effort to resolve the Cyprus problem, the relevant UN resolutions and EU decisions in relation to the illegal Turkish manipulations in Famagusta are also of crucial importance. In this context, Nikos Christodoulides will intensify efforts to deter Turkish plans.

In Nikos Christodoulides' program there is a special chapter on the humanitarian problem of the missing persons, addressing the problems faced by the enclaved, as well as a special chapter with proposals for a structured, state policy for the Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriot community, in order to stop the alienation of Greek and Turkish Cypriots.