Monday, December 12, 2022



12-12-2022 12:33

Statements by the Government Spokesman, Mr Marios Pelekanos, yesterday

We will continue to work with our neighbouring states to utilize the potential provided by our region and thus contribute to the EU’s objectives as regards the Energy sector, Government Spokesman Mr. Marios Pelekanos said today.   

In statements to the press on the sidelines of an event for the plan “Cyprus — Tomorrow” at Nicosia Mall, the Government Spokesman referring to the event said that it was important to promote the Plan, which concerns all citizens, noting that it was designed by Cypriots for Cypriots.

He added that through the plan more than 4 billion euros will be injected into the Cypriot economy, with the aim of implementing reforms and development projects in sectors such as Health, Education, Employment, etc.

He also pointed out that the plan is the legacy of Nicos Anastasiades’ administration to future generations.  

Asked to comment on the ongoing Turkish provocations in Famagusta, the Spokesman said that "we see a follow up to these provocative statements that we have heard over the past period. Of course, the Government, the President of the Republic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, through diplomatic channels, are taking all necessary actions and steps to prevent any new illegal action from taking place, whether it concerns the EEZ or our territory or the fenced-off area of Famagusta.

Replying to a question, he said: "There is currently a stalemate as regards the Cyprus problem, due to the continuing and blatant Turkish intransigence, we are witnessing the manifestation of a new revisionist behaviour on the part of Turkey, which is much more aggressive than before, not only against the Republic of Cyprus, but also in the Aegean, as well as in Libya, Nakorno Karabakh and elsewhere.

As Cyprus we are called upon — and that’s what we are doing — to act proactively, in order to prevent the creation of any new fait accompli, while at the same time to work in such a way so as to create the conditions for the resumption of the dialogue," Mr. Pelekanos said.

He added that, after Mr. Tatar assumed the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community, the other side continues to demand the recognition of equal rights to the illegal entity before it agrees to take any step in the Cyprus problem, pointing out that this is something that will not be accepted by our side.

He noted that "we will continue to work and intensify our efforts with a view to resuming the dialogue within the framework set out in the Security Council resolutions. And it is in this context that efforts are being made by the President of the Republic, such as his meetings with the President of France, with the Chancellor of Germany, and with the remaining eight leaders of the Mediterranean states of the EU.

We have also seen the Joint Declaration of the EUMED9 Summit, which fully satisfies us, as it makes it clear that this claim for a change in the basis of the solution will not be accepted.

And this is what we will do until the last day of President Anastasiades’ term: we will continue our efforts to prevent new faits accomplis and to bring the Cyprus problem back on track”.

To another question, Mr Pelekanos said that "as regards the appointment of an envoy of the Secretary General, it is a decision of the Secretary General himself, a decision that had been communicated to both sides over a year ago, and he had discussed it in New York in September 2021.  It has been pending ever since. It is positive that we have the involvement of senior UN officials such as Mr Jenča. But, yes, we believe that if he proceeds with the appointment, then a better preparation of the ground would be possible. As far as the involvement of the EU is concerned, some time should be given, since just a few weeks ago the President held meetings with the leaders of France and Germany, and the day before yesterday he had discussions with the leaders of the EU’s Mediterranean countries. This discussion will continue and it is important to use this remaining period until the elections in Turkey to prepare the ground, so as to be able to take the next step immediately after the elections in Turkey.

Asked about the issue of energy and Cyprus’ ability to contribute to the independence of Europe from Russian gas, which was discussed at EUMED9, the Spokesman said that "the states of our region, apart from Cyprus, namely Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, and other states, are all showing good will to cooperate in order to utilize our region and to contribute to the EU’s goals for independence from Russian fossil fuels, oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, Turkey remains uncooperative, continues to threaten Cyprus and illegally claims part of our EEZ. This, however, will not hinder our efforts in cooperation with other neighbouring states, and we can, all work together, to exploit the potential of our region with natural gas fields or renewable energy sources or hydrogen and electrical interconnections.

We are already seeing the progress of the Cyprus - Israel - Greece electricity interconnection and by extension Europe with the Euroasia Interconnector, and we will continue to work with our neighbours towards this direction, to exploit the potential of our region and to contribute to the EU’s goals.