Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Filenews 15 December 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

An arrest warrant against a 27-year-old man was issued by the Paphos Police for a kidnapping case in Paphos and proceeded to the arrest of the 23-year-old alleged victim of the abduction for illegal stay on the territory of the Republic.

The examinations of the members of the ICF Paphos revealed that the owner of the vehicle is a 27-year-old foreigner. An arrest warrant has been issued against him and he is wanted. The car used by the alleged perpetrators was transferred to the courtyard of the Paphos Police Department for further examinations.

The intensive investigations of the Paphos Police resulted in the identification, shortly before midnight on Wednesday, of the 23-year-old of Asian origin who was abducted by four occupants in a vehicle at the location "Diplakarkatzia" just before 6.00pm.

According to the Police, the victim suffered external injuries and was taken to Paphos Hospital where he received first aid and was then discharged. Immediately afterwards, he gave the first testimony about the events to the ICF Paphos, while his examination will continue today. Based on the first evidence from the testimony, but also from other testimonies obtained by the Police, the first judicial arrest warrant was issued concerning a 27-year-old of African origin. At the same time, investigations are continuing to identify the other three Africans who participated in the kidnapping of the Asian.

Everything indicates, according to police sources, that there were previous disputes between the kidnappers and the victim, which are the subject of an investigation, both personally and financially.

Shortly before the identification of the kidnapped man, according to the head of the Paphos ICF and spokesperson of the Paphos Police Department, Michalis Nikolaou, the car of the perpetrators was found parked in the parking lot of an apartment building complex in Tremithousa.

The case was reported to the Police shortly before 6.00 in the afternoon. As eyewitnesses reported, outside a pizzeria at the location "Diplakarkatzia", at the boundaries of the Municipality of Paphos and Chlorakas, four men of African origin were seen beating a man and then forcibly putting him in a car of a specific registration number and heading to Chlorakas.

Members of the ICF Paphos visited the scene that was blocked and some evidence such as a shoe and a mobile phone were found which there are reasonable suspicions that belong to either the perpetrators or the victim.

Further examinations revealed that the registered owner of the vehicle is a person outside Paphos, who stated in writing that he had sold it through a website to a Greek Cypriot. From the examinations of the Paphos ICF, Mr. Nikolaou continued, the vehicle was found parked in the parking lot of a complex of apartment buildings in Tremithousa.

Mr Nicolaou said police investigations into the case are ongoing.