Tuesday, December 13, 2022



12-12-2022 18:27

The Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in the EU Foreign Affairs Council and the Ministerial Meeting of the Eastern Partnership

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Ioannis Kasoulides participated in the EU's Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), which took place today in Brussels. On the agenda of the Council were, inter alia, the current developments in Ukraine and the situation in Iran. Under the heading of current affairs, the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr Josep Borrell referred, inter alia, to the Southern Neighbourhood in view of the strategic discussion that will take place at the upcoming European Council, as well as the support of the EU to Moldova.

The Foreign Ministers' discussions focused on the current developments in Ukraine. The "27", after being briefed on the situation in the country by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr. Dmytro Kuleba, who participated via teleconference, made an assessment of the situation and the coordinated response of the EU. In his intervention, Mr Kasoulides referred to the decisive stance taken by the EU since the beginning of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, stressing that the Union's coordinated actions have brought tangible results, including the adoption of sanctions with serious consequences for Russia. Unity is our strength and must be preserved, the Minister of Foreign Affairs underlined. Referring to the violations of international humanitarian law in Ukraine, Mr Kasoulides emphasized that Cyprus is in favour of accountability and supports all initiatives in this direction.

Before the start of the work of the ESS, the Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in the annual Ministerial Meeting of the Eastern Partnership, with the participation of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. In his intervention, Mr Kasoulides stated that Cyprus supports the strengthening and deepening of our relations with the countries of the Eastern Partnership, both bilaterally and at the European level. The critical turning point we are going through in international relations produces multiple geopolitical and regional challenges, which makes it even more important to strengthen the cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries, he stressed. At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted the importance of respect by the Eastern partners for International Law and in particular respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, including EU member states.

On the sidelines of the Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Mr Ilia Darchiasvilli. The two ministers discussed issues concerning bilateral relations between Cyprus and Georgia, regional issues of mutual interest, as well as the country's European perspective.

Mr Kasoulides is leaving tonight for Paris where he will participate in the high-level conference "Standing with the Ukrainian people", which will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, December 13. The conference is co-organized by the President of France, Mr Emmanuel Macron, and the President of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs will return to Cyprus on the evening of Wednesday, December 14.
