Friday, December 16, 2022


 Filenews 16 December 2022

The leaders of the 27 EU member countries yesterday approved the incorporation into European law of a minimum tax of 15% on the profits of multinational companies, after Hungary and Poland removed obstacles.

The measure is scheduled to enter into force in Europe on 31 December 2023.

The unanimity of the 27 was necessary to approve the draft directive prepared by the European Commission to implement the agreement to have more tax fairness, which was adopted last year by almost 140 countries under the auspices of the OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Warsaw and Budapest have blocked the dossier from the beginning of the year to ensure EU ratification of their plans to revive their economies, involving billions of euros in subsidies.

After receiving assurances that these projects would be given the green light, both lifted their reservations in the context of a compromise on various dossiers, which also included the granting of EUR 18 billion in macrofinancial assistance. euro in Ukraine in 2023.

The end of a "long journey with obstacles at every step", the "prevalence of unity" that will "benefit all Member States and all EU citizens", Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said in a statement.

The global minimum tax is only part (the so-called second pillar) of the OECD agreement.

The first pillar, which provides for the imposition of taxation on the countries where they secure their profits, in order to put an end to some tax evasion practices, mainly concerns the giants of the digital economy. In order to be implemented, an international agreement is needed, which has not yet been finalised.

French President Emmanuel Macron, spearheading the issue for years, praised the "major progress for all those who want (...) tax fairness".

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also praised the decision, which he supports "cordially", to impose a minimum tax on multinationals.
