Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 Filenews 13 December 2022

Vasilios: To strengthen the church-society dialogue

Metropolitan Vasileios of Constance carries his experiences from his ministry in the Orthodox Diocese of Switzerland. As well as his efforts for the reopening of churches in his occupied province and especially Famagusta, with the liturgy in Agios Georgios Xorinos. It has clear positions regarding the relations and roles of State and Church. He points out that each Archbishop does not present a political program that he tries to implement authoritarianly, but acts synodally with the other Archpriests in order for the Church to respond to the needs and challenges presented. He believes in the dialogue of the Church with society, addresses young people and wants them to have a role as well as the higher education institutions of the country. He emphasizes that the ecclesiastical reality of Cyprus must be perceived in a broader context and not approached in isolation. The view of all things, and especially ecclesiastical ones, cannot be short-sighted and short-sighted.

- What actions do you intend to take to improve the image of the Church, should you be elected Archbishop?

-What needs to be asked is the reflection of the meeting of Church and society, so that the Church can fulfil its spiritual mission in the modern world. The mission of the Church is on the one hand defined through the revelation of God, but on the other hand the Church is challenged by contemporary issues to which it can respond through dialogue. What is required of the modern worldview is the coupling of Christianity with the data that lead man in search of his religious, cultural and social identity. This was achieved by the Church Fathers, by coupling Christianity with Greek philosophy and thought. It is therefore necessary to link the Christian tradition with contemporary situations in terms of responding to the problems concerning the Church, society, human rights, ecology and bioethics.

Therefore, we must strengthen the dialogue between the Church and society in order for modern man to acquire through the content of the Christian faith his ecumenical dimension in which he does not reject but, on the contrary, accepts Christianity within the modern context in which he lives and moves. Of course, each Archbishop does not present a political program that he tries to implement authoritarianly, but acts synodally with the other Archpriests in order for the Church to respond to the needs and challenges that arise. We cannot overlook the important charitable and social work that is already being done, which we will strengthen even more. Addressing mainly young people, but also society in general, we could organize programs on education and culture in collaboration with Universities and other institutions both in Cyprus and abroad.

-Did joining the fraternity of the Holy Monastery of Apostolos Varnava 1960, i.e. at the age of 12, did it happen due to the economic data of the time or did various reasons coexist?

-The monastery of Apostolos Varnava was the only one manned in the Famagusta district at that time, the province I come from, since my village is the occupied Mandres. And it was common for children of poor families, such as mine, who wanted to continue their studies to go to the monasteries to learn the sacred letters but also to ensure their livelihood. Besides, this ethos is also known from the biographies of the previous Archbishops of Cyprus. So the reasons were financial, but it also had to do with the appeal that my folks saw that I had in letters, as well as my love for the Church. In the Monastery of the Apostle Varnava the place of my natural parents was taken by the three fathers Barnabas, Stephen and Gabriel, who mysticized me in the spirituality of Orthodox monasticism.

-Did the sociology courses in the Department of "Law and Economic and Social Sciences", as well as theological courses at the Faculty of Theology of the same University (in Fribourg) help you understand the person, his behaviours, his desires?

-Certainly the postgraduate and doctoral studies I did in Switzerland contributed positively to the way in which I can approach and understand modern man. However, it is not only the studies but mainly the experiences within the Church. An important role was played by my spiritual origins from the Holy Monastery of the Apostle Varnava but also by the experience I gained later through my contact with many people in the context of my priestly ministry, both in Cyprus and abroad. It is true that modern man has many quests, which in order to be answered we must first approach and understand him by following the example of Christ Himself.

-How does a Cypriot take over in 1981 as priestly Head of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Geneva and later as Chancellor of the Holy Metropolis of Switzerland?

-This was all done with the blessing and providence of God. You know, when I left as a refugee and I, like thousands of others, from the Monastery of the Apostle Varnava had a bag and little money in my hand. I was unsure of what was to come. When I was studying Theology in Athens I served as a deacon in the Metropolitan Church of Athens. Towards the end of my studies, Metropolitan Damaskinos of Tranoupolis, later the first Metropolitan of Switzerland, asked Archbishop Seraphim of Athens for a deacon to work with him at the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Switzerland. Athinon Seraphim chose me. After the Liturgy, Metropolitan Damascene offered me a scholarship for postgraduate studies in Switzerland. I feel that what I brought with me from Varnava Apostle, the Orthodox tradition, my chastisement in Byzantine music and sacred letters, were what determined my spiritual course. I completed my studies in Athens, received the blessing of Athens Seraphim and set off for a course that determined my future actions. Elder and archimandrite I was of course ordained in 1981 by Bishop Salamis Varnava with the blessing of Chrysostom I. Then I returned to Switzerland, continued my studies and took up the duties of chancellor. And I was asked to minister to the Diocese of Switzerland alongside the inspired prelate who influenced my theological thinking and my priestly activity. That is why I said and at the beginning everything was done by divine providence.

-For state-Church relations, what do you think is the golden mean?

-The roles of Church and state are distinct, but this does not mean that the Church cannot express its opinion. Just as everyone has the right to express their own opinion in a democratic society, let alone the Church especially on important issues such as our national issue which is historically linked to the contribution of the Church to the preservation of the identity of this place. Of course, the Church must have good cooperation with the government in question, something that the new Primate of the Church must also pursue, following the example of his predecessors.

-Much is said about the relations of the Hierarchs with the Archbishop. How close or how far have you been to him over time?

-The proposal to me to take over the position of Bishop of Trimythountos, in 1996, was made in the presence of both Chrysostoms, the then Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos I and the late Archbishop Chrysostomos II as Metropolitan of Pafos. So you realize that the relationship was long-lasting. When the election of the late Archbishop Chrysostomos II took place, I was Bishop of Trimythountos, and in fact since 2000, due to the health problems of Chrysostomos I, I had assumed the responsibility of managing many affairs of the Archdiocese and de facto its cooperation, until my election as Metropolitan of Constance in 2007, was a given. Subsequently, a good cooperation was maintained within the Holy Synod and a good relationship on a personal level.

"For me, the power of dialogue is of great value"

- Did you happen to disagree with him? Vote against his suggestions, say to him "Beatitude, what are you saying or doing?

-Like everyone, every high priest has the courage of his opinion. And any Archbishop works according to personality and what he feels. For me, the power of dialogue is of great value, in every discussion, and I can say that I have always had the courage to speak honestly with him and, therefore, any disagreement that may have arisen has never remained unresolved.

-Did your long absence and involvement with the Church's affairs abroad help you broaden your horizons or did it make you identify with a possibly different approach to things that is far from the reality prevailing in Cyprus?

-I have been in Cyprus since 1991. And what I bring with me, the Orthodox tradition of the Church of Cyprus, is what defines me throughout my ecclesiastical ministry. The organization of the newly established Diocese of Switzerland equipped me with many supplies, mainly administrative, which I was able to use then in Cyprus, in the Holy Archdiocese and then, with the reconstitution of the Diocese of Constance in all the activities that were carried out from scratch and with limited resources. In general, however, the ecclesiastical reality of Cyprus must be understood in a broader context and not approached in isolation. The view of all things, and especially ecclesiastical ones, cannot be short-sighted and short-sighted.

-How do you see the Athonite way of life that some consider to have passed in monasteries in Cyprus?

-In the history of the Orthodox Church, monasticism has always been an important spiritual pole with basic characteristics of repentance, exercise, prayer and full dedication to God. Therefore, it is a way of life that survives in Orthodox monasteries to this day, it also happens to you in Cyprus. I would like to mention the example of the two Patriarchs of Constantinople, Ignatius and Photius, in the 9th century, who succeeded each other to the patriarchal throne successively in the midst of a political and ecclesiastical instability that existed at that time between two warring sides. The first came from the ranks of the monks while the second was a professor but both are honored as saints of the Church.

Economics to technocrats

-If you are elected Archbishop, will you have active involvement in the financial management of your Archdiocese or will you assign this role to professionals, with your own supervision, of course?

-In relation to the financial management of the Church, there are the defined structures with the Holy Synod being primarily responsible. The finances of its Archdiocese and the Dioceses are first handled by technocrats and then approval is given by the Bishop. After all, this is nothing new in the Church. St. Maximus the Confessor, in the 7th century, wrote to Marinos, the steward of the diocese of Constance, and mentioned in it the need for each diocese to have its steward to manage the finances, so as not to burden the Bishop with this work.

Spirituality is the primary responsibility of high priests and clergy

-Do you think that the image that the Church emits from a spiritual point of view, needs to be changed? If so, what do you intend to do?

-At this point we can make reference to the Apostle Paul who writes that the "small dough all the dough is made" as the spirituality of the Church is directly related to its wider testimony. A spirituality based on Orthodox theology and tradition must be transmitted to today's society and is primarily the responsibility of us high priests and clergy. In this context, I consider it very important to support and educate our clergy so that they are able to face modern challenges and respond to the work of the Church.

More generally, of course, I would say that the image of the Church of Cyprus extends to its wider environment, geographical, cultural, confessional. Its position must be understood on an Inter-Orthodox as well as on an Inter-Christian level, as a link between East and West, and we must not lock ourselves into Cyprus, which as an island is surrounded only by the sea. This is another thing that we must strengthen in the context of Orthodox witness and mission.


Isaiah: Making the Church Friendly and Beneficial to the World

He is the youngest hierarch to seek election to the archdiocesan throne of the Church of Cyprus. With multifaceted action not only in his Metropolis. Tamassos and Orinis Isaiah, the brainchild of the Metropolitan of Kykkos and Tylliria Nikiforos, has views and does not hesitate to express them, on the open issues that concern the Cypriot Church. He ventures and emphasizes that we need to "make the Church friendly and beneficial to the world again." To modernize the way the gospel is transmitted. He clearly addresses the issue with the Ukrainian Church, emphasizing that it is over and if he is elected Archbishop he does not intend to bring it back for discussion. In fact, he points out that any revisionism undermines our own existence, but also that of Greece.

-Due to your age, but also your broader perception of issues that concern man and society, perhaps citizens expect something different from you, if you are elected Archbishop. Please outline your vision/programme.

-The Church, as a godly organization, must, on the one hand, inoculate society with morality while, on the other hand, take care of its natural prosperity and progress. In both these themes, there is a great failure and this is clearly shown, due to the great degree of devaluation of the Church by society, but also due to the rapid and uncontrollable, now, poverty, rot and corruption, but also the levelling of values.

We urgently need to be self-critical and not for us, who are part of the problem, to claim to teach others. We must regain the trust of the people if we make the Church friendly and beneficial to them again. We need a spiritual revival of the faithful, with emphasis on the Cypriot Orthodox Tradition, which we have marginalized, modernization of the way the message of the Gospel is transmitted, support programs for vulnerable groups, but also serious infrastructure and mechanisms for resolving social welfare issues for the entire population. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve reconciliation and cooperation between the Church and Science. At the same time, particular importance must also be attached to the issues of ecology, animal protection, sport, music, theatre, art and modern technologies.

-Do you believe that significant changes are needed in the Church of Cyprus, in order to keep up with society, or do you consider that its current mode of operation is satisfactory?

-We are, as a Church, on a tragically wrong path, far from the reality of today. Regular churchgoers have less than 7 percent, which shows that the value of the life-saving message and the church's multifaceted role in the world are unfortunately shrinking by the day. Soon we will become a nice museum, with many treasures, which will concern only the members, who pay a subscription fee. If we do not apply what has been said above, we will do Jesus Himself an injustice and fail to convey the message of his love that He brought with His birth to the world.

-What do you think the relationship between the State and the Church should be?

-As far as Church-State relations are concerned, it is my belief that there must be complete separation, but great cooperation in areas of general interest, for the spiritual and physical prosperity and progress of the people.

-You place special emphasis on the promotion of culture in your metropolitan region, through events, collections, concerts, etc. Do you think that this helps people and contributes to their spiritual cultivation? If so, do you intend to go beyond the boundaries of the Diocese of Tamassos and make similar moves as Archbishop, if elected?

-The Archdiocese, with the means at its disposal, can become a model of inspiration for other Metropolises. At the same time, it has the opportunity to support and develop cooperation with other Metropolises. Culture tames the passions and sanctifies man, cultivating him spiritually, so that universal values become his experience. This is the goal of the Church.

The issue with the Ukrainian

- Given the developments in Ukraine, do you acknowledge that you made the wrong assessments and are definitively mobilized with the line of the Ecumenical Patriarch? If you are elected, will you raise the issue again in the Synod for discussion?

- No misjudgement was made on my part. Given the facts we had at the time, we rightly asked for the opportunity of peace, through dialogue and neutrality, so that the Autocephaly in Ukraine could function properly. Now the theological data have changed, but also, with the invasion, the national data have also changed, since any revisionism undermines both our and Greece's existence. We are not ecclesiastically dependent on either East or West. We have Autocephaly and we must always have an opinion, according to the data that we have in front of us. The matter is closed and I will not, if elected, bring it back to the Holy Synod.


Pafos Georgios: The Church must lead the way

The Archbishop of Pafos, Metropolitan George of Pafos, has clean seats. And is sometimes intense. He does not hesitate to state his views both within the Church and in public. He has views on the distinct roles of Church and State, as well as the strong belief that there has never been a conflict between them and that the golden mean is always found. It indicates that the Church is opening up to the world, not changing its doctrines but the way it reaches out to believers and how we offer our services and faith. He notes that the Church must create new areas by which to direct the people and give her support, views and answers in accordance with the Bible and our Sacred Tradition. It conveys that all Synodals can work harmoniously, because that is their role, to unite the world and not to divide it, and that they leave behind any disagreements that may exist in their discussions.

-What do you think should be the relations between Church and State, given that on the one hand Cyprus is a member state of the EU and on the other hand semi-occupied?

-There is a clear separation in the constitution between Church and State. This is logical because our state is bicommunal and there could be no connection between the Church and the state. After the departure of the Turkish Cypriots from the Government, the Government and the Church serve the same people, which is why cooperation must be good and good. As a member of the European Union, our country has some obligations, it also has some requirements from there. Our obligations must be respected, without implying that this must not be in keeping with the customs imposed by our religion and the customs which our people have. The role of the Church is advisory, and I think there has been no conflict between them so far. There are different opinions and there is always the right balance. Other religions and other peoples coexist in the European Union, and I believe that the human rights of any citizen throughout the European Union are being served.

-Do you think that the Church should open up to society or do you think the current situation is satisfactory?

-The Church always makes overtures to the world because it keeps pace with the evolution of society. It does not change its doctrines, but it does change the way we approach society and the way we offer our services and faith. Especially now that the whole world is educated, the Church should not lag behind. It must be ahead of the curve and it must provide the answers that the new dilemmas create from the progress of science and technology. So the Church must give new openings, create new areas by which to direct the people and give its support, opinions and answers in accordance with the Bible and our Holy Tradition.

From time to time you have had a confrontation with members of the Holy Synod on various issues, some of which are serious. Do you think that all this belongs to the past and you can work in harmony with everyone?

-In the Holy Synod we do not come into conflict, but we each say our views. We may have different opinions, there is a debate, there is a combination of opinions and we all come out with one decision. In the majority they all obey. And when I disagree during the debate, I obey the decision. So it is not a confrontation that creates any gaps between us. It's all a thing of the past when the discussion around a topic is over. We can function harmoniously all Synodalists, because that is our role, to unite the world and not to divide it.

-Within the Holy Synod there are various tendencies about how dogmatically the Church should be. Will you try to find a common component so that the Synod is and seems unanimous?

- There are no tendencies about how hard dogmatic the Church should be. It is everyone's personal perception perhaps of some specific issues. There is always a common component, there is a way of understanding so that we can move forward and make it appear to the world that we do have the same opinion. Without giving up our faith, doctrines and values, we give a consensual solution to all problems in front of the people.

Student dormitories in Nicosia

-The charitable work of the Church, how it can be reflected in works and actions. You supported the creation of new student dormitories. How much can the Church allocate for this purpose? Will a study be carried out on needs or will an amount be determined based on the capabilities of the Archdiocese and "seeing and doing"?

-The Church is the refuge of those in need. Her philanthropic work in projects to support the weak extends to helping students, the sick and the needy. The sums that the late Archbishop also allocated to these areas are large. For the help and only several times did he say that they exceed a few thousand a day. As for social action with student dormitories, it is indeed a project that started with Limassol and should continue in Nicosia, and wherever else there are Universities in which students find it difficult to find a place to stay during their studies. The study that will be carried out is similar to the one that was done for Limassol. There is not an amount that will be pre-allocated, it is the need for as many rooms as necessary to be made in Nicosia that will determine the cost. For the aids to the students there are also the legacies that are activated and we give the students the scholarships for studies. The same goes for the sick.


Athanasius: The new Archbishop father of the people of God

It records the highest rates of popularity of all bishops vying for the office of Primate of the Church of Cyprus. Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol takes a firm position on the issue being discussed for the election of the new Archbishop, without taking into account the opinion of those who will exercise their right to vote, since the final word rests with the Holy Synod. He explains that he gave his views on the weakness identified but they were not recorded. It indicates that after the election the issue should be re-examined and appropriate decisions taken. He clarifies his positions on the Cyprus issue, on relations with the Russians and the Ukrainian Church.

-The Church of Cyprus does not have the best image. What is our vision for bringing ordinary people closer to the Church? What will you change from today if you are elected?

-I believe that every Bishop and even more so the new Archbishop must be an authentic and genuine expression of the love of Christ, embracing all man, with all his needs, both spiritual and material. The new Archbishop must be the father of God's people, with all that the word father means and implies! His word should inspire love and unity, not tire and disappoint man. The Archbishop's word must be hilarious and bright, clear and unambiguous, which helps and builds man in Christ.

-The appointment of the new Primate of the Church of Cyprus will take place on the basis of the new statute that allows the Holy Synod to determine the final result. Why did you accept that the value of the citizens' vote should be undermined? And what can be done now?

-The procedure for the election of a new Primate will be based on the current statutes. From the outset, I have seen the practical impossibility of the Holy Synod voting for the one who will not receive the most votes from the people. I told my opinion to the late Archbishop and the Holy Synod, but the beatitude did not want our opinions to be recorded in the minutes, only the decisions, and that is why my position is not recorded at the time. But, be that as it may, now that we see the weakness in this case, the Holy Synod after the election of the new Archbishop must re-study this point and take the appropriate decisions. Nevertheless, we owe it with love and peace to accept the result of the elections with a Christian and evangelical ethos and to accept our new archbishop, who will be elected by the Holy Synod, as our father and Archbishop and to support him in the great work he will undertake with love and understanding. We certainly must not distance ourselves from opposition, but join him in all the good works he will do.

-There is a lot of talk about relations with the Ecumenical Patriarchate. What is your position? Do you mention the Primate of the Ukrainian Church?

-Each Archbishop and all synodals are subject to the decisions of the Holy Synod, which bind everyone without exception. The matter by a majority has been closed by the Holy Synod and we are all obliged to accept this decision of our Holy Synod. However, the ancient autocephalous Church of Cyprus may play a mediating role in bridging the gap that already exists between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Church of Russia, because surely schisms and divisions are never for the good of our Orthodoxy. The Church of Cyprus can and must act freely for the unity of our Orthodox Church.

-What is your position on the Cyprus issue? The Beatitude Chrysostom had strong positions and did not hesitate to communicate them...

-My positions on the national issue are clear and I proclaim them everywhere. We want freedom and justice in our country and the implementation of human rights for all its legal inhabitants. We do not now have before us a proposal for a solution to comment on. The solution must be viable and can be implemented and approved by the people and their elected political leadership. The Church should stand as a mother next to and close to the people of Cyprus and contribute to the unity, love and peace of all the people of Cyprus without exception. The Church does not deceive the people with slogans and false words, but is clearly and unequivocally in favour of the freedom of Cyprus from occupying armies and prohibitions, which affect the European status of our Republic, defends human rights for all independent legal residents of our island and demands the respect and preservation of the churches, our monasteries and pilgrimages and our cemeteries and in general all the cultural heritage of our country. The right to move and settle freely everywhere in our country and the use of our property must undoubtedly be in the terms of any solution.

-What are your positions on homosexuality, abortion, IVF, cremation, euthanasia?

-The Church has formulated its positions on all that you are asking. Let me just say that the Church with much maternal love and affection embraces all people, condemns no one, and does not despair of anyone. To all he shows the way of the paternal divine embrace and the way in which they will be able to truly become God's children. It is with this spirit that the Church addresses the issue of homosexuality and all the rest, which I do not have the time and the ability, due to the limited space, to develop one by one, which I have done in various other interviews. Just to emphasize again that the Church wants to lead her children into the arms of their heavenly Father, which is both the destiny and perfection of every human being. It does not function as a gendarmerie or as a court, but as a loving mother, it thinks of each person individually as a unique and unrepeatable fact and helps him to achieve his goal, that is, to become like God his Father.

-Have you identified with the Russians residing in Limassol, the Russian Church, would you like to clarify your positions?

-I am a Greek Bishop and I feel proud of it, and this does not prevent me from feeling ecumenical and universal, because our Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and embraces all people regardless of the love of our Christ. I have never identified with anyone and nothing absolutely. All that is my identity is that I am by the grace and mercy of our Christ the bishop of His holy Church. There is no national Church, but a Church of Christ above all forms of ethno-racialism. The Church is our mother and ourselves and loves all her children indiscriminately. Surely we all have a duty to help bring love and peace to the whole world, for this is also the holy will of our Christ.

Church Works to Be Done with Counsellors

-Is it the Archbishop's job to engage in business activities, given that the Church of Cyprus manages a large fortune and is perhaps the largest financial institution in the country?

-It certainly shouldn't be his first work, his first concern. The first concern of an Archbishop, like any priest, is another. But of course the Church, along with everything else, is also a fairly strong financial organization that has a wide range of obligations, and I am referring primarily to the works of charity, love, and beneficence that it must do. That is why economic activities must be properly managed, and most importantly, the Archbishop has good advisers around him. I am not and do not want to be an economist. But the works of the Church must be done with counselors who know their subject well. And there are extraordinary people who, many times, selflessly provide their services and assistance to administer the property of the Church in a transparent and impeccable manner. This is what we did in Limassol, where if you remember, when we took over it was in a difficult financial situation but with God's help we have managed to bring the finances of the Metropolis to a situation that allows us to do various works of love.

Advisory opinion on the Minister for Education

-Do you agree that the Archbishop should have a say in the appointment of the respective Minister of Education?

-In general, Education is something that concerns us. The Church has kept Education in years of slavery as the daughter of an eye, and it is normal for it to have sensitivities and express them in a very good way, civilized and democratic. With regard to the appointment of the minister of education, the Archbishop may have an advisory opinion and, if requested, give it. Institutionally, the Church does not have the ability to intervene and impose on the State someone it wants.