Thursday, December 15, 2022



14-12-2022 18:16

Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the adoption of Conclusions by the EU Council in relation to Turkey

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its satisfaction on the adoption of the EU Council Conclusions on Enlargement, a text, which was the outcome of the negotiations between member states earlier on.

The Council precisely and accurately records the state of affairs as regards Turkey, underlining the absolute lack of progress in relation to Turkey’s accession process.

Furthermore, the Council reiterates Turkey’s responsibilities and obligations emerging from its institutional obligations vis a vis the Republic of Cyprus.

Specifically, the conclusions are extremely critical of Turkey, since they reaffirm the commitment on the part of the EU to finding a comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus Problem on the basis of an agreed bizonal, bicommunal federation in line with the relevant Security Council Resolutions, as well as the European Acquis and the principles upon which the EU is founded. Moreover, the conclusions call upon Turkey to contribute in the above direction.

An important innovative element in this year’s Conclusions is the call on Ankara to stop all actions that could potentially lead to the upgrading the pseudostate and that are, as a result, contrary to Resolutions 541 and 550. This is the first time the said reference is included in EU Conclusions and it is deemed as a reference of vital significance in light of Turkey’s efforts to upgrade the status of the secessionist entity.

Particularly important are also the references to Varosha, which again condemn the illegal actions, and Ankara is called upon to reverse the faits accomplis it attempts to impose within the fenced – off area and to fully comply with the UN Security Council Resolutions 550, 789, 1251.

The Council also expresses the EU’s strong disappointment with Turkey’s non-alignment with the EU’s restrictive measures against Russia as well as the overall distancing and the conflicting policy of Ankara from the adoption of the political priorities of the EU, especially those that fall under the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

In addition, the latest decisions of the EU Council are recorded as regards the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, including those of June 2022, when European leaders expressed once more their concern over the continuing provocative moves and the hybrid rhetoric of Ankara against member states.

At the same time, Turkey is once more called upon to fulfil all its obligations vis a vis Cyprus, namely the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus, the normalization of relations, and the extension of the Additional Protocol for Customs Union.

As regards the migration issue, the Council reminds Turkey of its obligations –as these are recorded by the European Council – to fully implement and without discrimination the 2016 EU – Turkey Statement on Migration also in the case of the Republic of Cyprus.

A significant new element of this year’s Conclusions is the reference to Turkey’s obligation to align its visa policy with that of the EU.