Friday, December 16, 2022


 Filenews 16 December 2022

The habits we had of exposing or giving gifts to animals are an outdated mentality that must stop, the Party for the Animals of Cyprus said in a statement. "Besides, the law prohibits it."

Therefore the party asks everyone to get away from this "bad mentality and not to give animals or use them in mangers which is a bad practice".

The announcement as it stands

The Party for the Animals of Cyprus wants to remind everyone that on these holy days (and all days of the year) that the habits we had of exposing or giving gifts of live animals are an outdated mentality that must stop. Besides, the law prohibits it.

Animals are NOT inanimate disposable objects. They are not cars, dolls, furniture. They are living beings with biological, physical, and emotional needs. And certainly, if someone consciously decides to acquire an animal, we do not encourage its purchase from any business, but its adoption from some shelter or organization that temporarily hosts it. Let's not give gifts to animals such as puppies, bunnies, chicks, birds, parrots, etc.

We ask everyone to get away from this bad mentality and not to give animals or use them in mangers which is a bad practice.

Let us have love within us and let it be transformed into that reflect that love. Love should not be selective but the cycle of love and compassion extended to all living and all species of our planet

Let's see Christmas as a good opportunity to convey to children, but also to the rest of our fellow human beings, the message that animals are sentient beings, who feel pain, thirst, cold, fear, warmth, lack of freedom.

We encourage anyone who has decided to offer a permanent home of warmth and love, to visit an animal shelter and adopt a dog or kitten. Thousands of animals wait months or even years inside shelters to be adopted and finally find a family they deserve.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, bloodless and with a lot of respect and love for all animals