Saturday, December 17, 2022

2022 - 21,000 MIGRANTS ARRIVED, 7,500 LEFT

 Filenews 17 December 2022

Migrant arrivals a record for this year, after soaring to 21,000 with the increase compared to last year standing at 82%. On the other hand, Cyprus ranks first in the number of returns of migrants in proportion to the population, following the establishment of a return office at the Ministry of Interior.

In the wake of the praise from the European Commission for the 7,500 returns of migrants this year (most of them voluntary) our country is struggling to manage an unprecedented situation that could neither be predicted nor managed without serious problems. However, the situation in Pournara has begun to normalize somewhat, and it also has to deal with 750 unaccompanied children who should not be staying at the First Reception Centre in Kokkinotrimithia. At the same time, work is currently beginning on the construction of the pre-removal centre in Mennoya, the cost of which will reach €65 million.

"F" attempts an x-ray of immigration now at the end of the year, a problem that is not missing from the election campaign.

According to recent data provided by the Minister of Interior Nikos Nouris, the arrivals of irregular migrants in Cyprus for 2022 reached 21,000 and it is expected that by the time the year is gone it will exceed this figure. Of these, 94% came via the green line, while the remaining 6% by sea. At the same time, according to a presentation by the Director of the Office of the Ministry of Interior and head of the Return Office Loizos Michael, by the end of October, 18,345 applications for political asylum were recorded compared to 10,083 in the same period last year, with the increase amounting to 82%. The first country of origin of refugees and irregular migrants is Syria with 3516 applications (19% of all applications), second is Nigeria with 2668 applications (15%) followed by migrants from Congo with 2647 applications (14%) Pakistan with 1747, Afghanistan with 1259, Bangladesh with 1229 followed by: Cameroon 873, Somalia 862, India 581, Nepal 392 and other countries 2571.

According to the ministry's data, until last October, 15,546 migrants crossed the green line and 796 came by sea.

The government, through the competent ministry, is placing the burden on three axes to stop the migratory flows:

- Electronic monitoring of the Green Line.

- Installation of barbed wire to close the holes passing through the occupied areas.

- Hiring 300 border guards to push migrants back into the occupied territories.

The procedures for the recruitment of the border guards have begun and 401 candidates have applied for the 300 positions. They will soon be invited to a sports test and on a points basis they will be recruited.

At the same time, recently, the cameras that will monitor the confrontation line and will be the eyes of the boundary guards have been installed. Information from "F" indicates that a similar system will be installed by the occupying authorities.

Also, in parallel with the accommodation centre for applicants for international protection in the area of Limnes, the pre-removal centre in the same area will be built this year. This centre will be home to those migrants whose application has been examined and rejected by the Court of Appeal and must return to their countries.

The problem, as it is estimated, will continue to grow in 2023, since, as the Minister of Interior denounces at every opportunity, Turkey is instrumentalizing the issue, but also international migrant smuggling networks will send people from African countries to Cyprus, promising that they will be able to cross into central Europe.

40% of arrivals return

However, Cyprus has made the biggest leap within the EU in terms of returning migrants, especially voluntary ones, to their countries.

This year we have a record number of returns since to date it is estimated that 7500 migrants departed from Cyprus compared to 2,320 last year. This has been achieved by concluding agreements with countries of origin which was previously impossible, but also by the help of certain EU and Frontex countries. However, the increase in returns is also achieved by own means, that is, by placing the emphasis on the voluntary return programme with financial incentives. Any foreigner who consents to return to the country is given an incentive of  €750.

Also, with a number of third countries, it has been possible to overcome bureaucratic procedures and difficulties of coordination and cooperation, in order to return thousands of immigrants.

As a result of this coordinated action, Cyprus is currently in first place in the number of returns among the Member States in proportion to its population. In 2022, almost 7500 have already been returned, with the result that this year's returns constitute 40% compared to arrivals, as opposed to 17% last year. Assisted voluntary returns have also risen sharply compared to forced returns, with the rate for this year reaching 87%. These returns have been achieved thanks to the conclusion of agreements and memoranda for the first time with countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Vietnam.  An agreement with Congo is in the final stage.

The first country of returns is India with 28%, followed by Nigeria and Pakistan with 8.8% and 8% respectively, followed by Georgia, Congo, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Egypt, Nepal and Cameroon.