It is with great pleasure that
I am here today at the Federal Department of Justice and Police in
Switzerland, with the Federal Councillor to co-sign the agreement on the
implementation of the Second Swiss Contribution between the Republic of
Cyprus and the Swiss Federal Council that includes substantial financial
support in a number of areas such as migration and social cohesion, with
particular reference to health programmes for people with rare genetic
disorders, programmes to combat violence in the family and the particularly
sensitive issue for Cyprus, the investigation of the fate of our missing
persons as a result of the Turkish invasion of 1974.
Especially regarding the Swiss
contribution in the field of migration, I wish to express my sincere
gratitude to the Swiss Government, for this significant act of true
solidarity towards the Republic of Cyprus and the contribution of 10 million
Swiss francs, which will be utilized in our effort to effectively manage the
increased migration flows that Cyprus is facing.
Τhis financial support comes at
a time when the number of asylum seekers in Cyprus has exceeded 16,5
thousands for 2022 and the overall percentage of asylum seekers and
beneficiaries of international protection has reach the 6% of the total
population. The disproportionate migratory flows have led to a situation of
force majeure, forcing to their limits the national asylum and reception
The gesture of the Swiss
Government and the financial support to the Republic of Cyprus show the
solidarity that is gradually being established in Europe in the management of
the migration issue and especially towards the frontline member states that
bear the greatest burden of the problem.
This Swiss contribution will be
used in two extremely important pillars that we have prioritised.
The first pillar is the
implementation of efficient and high-quality asylum procedures, under which
new infrastructures for the Asylum and Migration Services will be established
in order to improve current facilities and, therefore, increase the capacity
in handling asylum issues. The new infrastructures will make it possible to
properly accommodate the additional staff the Service will recruit in order
to be able to operate more effectively, and manage the increased migratory
The second pillar is the
additional decisive enhancement of returns of those migrants whose asylum
applications have been rejected, with respect to the principle for voluntary,
dignified and safe return of third-country nationals to their country of
origin. Cyprus has managed to increase returns in the latest years, while in
2022 we managed to multiply the numbers, exceeding so far 6000 returns. A
figure that puts Cyprus in the first place, per capita, among the EU Member
States in terms of returns. I am confident that with this support we will
achieve even more in this area.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today solidarity goes beyond
words and is put into practice.
I, therefore, feel the need and
the obligation to express our thanks and gratitude to the Switzerland and
especially to the Federal Councillor Karin Keller- for her personal
commitment and willingness to support the efforts of the Republic of Cyprus.
This action of yours, dear
Karin, takes on even greater significance as it takes place at a time when
Europe is overwhelmed by the crisis in Ukraine causing, among other issues,
serious economic difficulties. I sincerely thank you and I am sure that this
day will be the trigger for further strengthening the relations between our
two countries.