Filenews 7 November 2022 - by Theano Thiopoulou
There are not only increases in the prices of products and services but also some reductions from which consumers benefit, based on the data announced by the Statistical Service.
The processing of the data by the Consumers' Association hides positive surprises, even for a few products and services, which instead of showing price increases, their prices begin to fall at the end of October compared to the first month of 2022.
These are: telephony and fax services -2.06%, electrical appliances for personal care -2.41%, audio and video reception and recording equipment -2.83%, mobile telephony -3%, watches -4.77%, toasters and grates -5.02%, fruits -5.68%, fresh fruit -8.89%.
But there are also products whose prices decreased significantly in one month (October compared to September).
These are:butter -2.13%, fruits -1.58%, potatoes -0.77%, tea -0.67%, fresh fruit -2.53%, other sustainable oils -2.82%, rice -3.37%, pasta -3.72%, other types of fresh seafood -6.44%, other dairy products -1.68%, wine -0.39%, frozen vegetables -0.87%.
Also falling in prices in one month were recorded: gasoline -2.61%, electricity -4.22%, recording and sound reproduction equipment -5.15%, non-electrical appliances -3.11%, accommodation services -7.52%, hotels, motels, inns -7.52%, garage rental -1.62%, washing machines and dryers. dishwashers -1.82%, ironing appliances -2.18%, food processing appliances -2.23%, refrigerators, freezers and fridge-freezers -2.05%, ironing appliances -2.18%, food processing appliances -2.23%,
There are also the prices of products and services that remained stable in October compared to September and the rate of change was zero. The list includes: meats, tobacco products, cleaning. repair and rental of clothing, electricians' services, heating system maintenance services, painter's services, water supply, sewerage services, maintenance charges in apartment buildings, other solid fuels, lighting equipment, other furniture, furnishing fabrics and curtains, tablecloths, bath towels and linen, cutlery and silverware, household services by paid staff, other medical products, equipment appliances, pregnancy tests and mechanical contraceptives means, repair of therapeutic devices and equipment, medical services, special (specialized) practice, paramedical services, medical laboratory services of analysis and radiography, hospital services, bicycles, driving lessons, examinations, licenses and technical checks, road passenger transport, postal services, letter handling services, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, telecommunications package, durable goods of recreation and culture, musical instruments, toys and hobbies, garden supplies, museums, libraries, zoos, subscriptions to television stations, books, newspapers, package holidays, package holidays, indoor, pre-primary and primary education, secondary education, post-secondary non-tertiary education, hairdressers for men and children, childcare services, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, home insurance, health insurance, Insurances related to transfers, charges from banks and post offices, charges from banks and post offices, administrative fees.