Thursday, October 13, 2022



13-10-2022 09:44

Statement by the Republic of Cyprus at the 11th Emergency Special Session (resumed) of the United Nations General Assembly on Ukraine, yesterday

My delegation fully subscribes to the statement of the European Union, and wishes to make some additional remarks.

Cyprus condemns the illegal and illegitimate holding of the so-called “referenda” in the occupied regions of Ukraine as well as their subsequent attempted annexation by the Russian Federation. International law is clear: First, the prohibition of the use of force is one of the foundations of the UN Charter; boundaries cannot be altered by any use of force. Second, an occupying power cannot gain sovereignty of the territory it unlawfully occupies through an attempt of unilateral secession or otherwise. Third, a referendum cannot take place unilaterally without the consent of the government of the territorial state. The occupying power must respect its obligations under International Humanitarian Law, including the Hague Regulations of 1907 and Geneva Conventions. Fourth, in no circumstances can these so called “referenda” be considered as an exercise of a right of self-determination through remedial secession.

Cyprus is strongly opposed to any modification of the fundamental principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states which is essential for the stability of states and for the international relations between them. Furthermore, we reiterate that states have a legal duty to withhold recognition of acts in violation of norms of international law of peremptory character (jus cogens), such as the creation of an illegal territorial situation by use of force.

International law must remain the compass by which states are guided, and it must be applied consistently and globally. Cyprus, as a country that remains divided for almost 50 years as a consequence of the crime of aggression, and as a country who is fully committed to promoting the respect for international law, adds its voice to the international row in defence of the United Nations Charter and the rule of law. Multilateralism, and not recourse to unilateral action, must guide the conduct of states with a view to the maintenance of international peace and security. We remain deeply concerned about the effectiveness of our system of collective security, and disappointed for the fact that the UN Security Council has failed to do everything in its power to prevent and end the war in Ukraine. We truly believe that there is only one way out: diplomacy, not war.

Cyprus will vote in favour of the draft resolution under discussion entitled “Territorial Integrity of Ukraine: Defending the Principles of the Charter of the United Nations” and also encourages all members states to also support it. In closing, I wish to reiterate that my country remains fully committed to the sovereignty, unity, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders.

I thank you.