Saturday, October 22, 2022


 Cyprus Mail 22 October 2022 - by Kyriacos Nicolaou

Police have reportedly proceeded with charging the owner of the crossbreed Savannah cat that died in August of this year after undergoing surgery while in the care of authorities over import issues.

The owner is being charged due to issues pertaining to the import and ownership of the animal. At the same time, the police are continuing their investigations into how the animal ended up dying.

According to Philenews, police recently concluded their investigation into the animal’s ownership status, which led to the charge against the owner, who is now facing five charges concerning reckless and negligent acts.

This implies that she is thought to have acted in a hasty or negligent manner, which resulted in causing bodily harm to a minor, after correct precautions were not taken against possible danger from an animal she had in her possession. Prior to being put under the care of the state veterinary services, it had escaped its owner and injured a child in Limassol.

The owner is also accused of not declaring the import of the animal 24 hours before she would receive it at Larnaca airport, while she also failed to clarify the cat was not on a list of animals that people can own.  She also faces a charge that once in possession of the cat she failed to inform the competent authority within one month as she was required to.

Meanwhile, regarding the investigation into the circumstances of the animal’s death and the complaints of both its owner and the Animal Party, police spokesperson Christos Andreou said it is in its final stages. In addition, the final report is currently being drawn up and in the coming days, the file will be forwarded to the Legal Service for study and instructions.

The cat, named Berton, was handed over to the state’s veterinary services on May 13 after he allegedly attacked a three-year-old boy.

It was taken to Limassol zoo where its condition deteriorated. However, it was later reported that the cat had undergone surgery for a bowel obstruction. After the surgery, on August 1, authorities transferred Berton to Paphos zoo in Peyia, which was deemed a more suitable place. A week later, the cat was found dead.

Information indicates the police will not make a recommendation as to whether responsibilities arise and if so for whom, but it will be left to the Legal Service to decide this.