Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 in-cyprus 11 October 2022 - by Lisa Liberti

Members of the Ukrainian community in all cities across Cyprus took to the streets on Monday afternoon to protest a new barrage of missile strikes by Russia targeting civilians.

In Nicosia, the protesters gathered outside the Russian embassy. There, Russians who do not support Putin’s regime joined them to show solidarity and send the message to Russian authorities, that they are against war and do not want to be associated with the atrocities in Ukraine.


“I am not ashamed to be Russian myself. I am ashamed because they are Russians, too” – said Anton, one of the participants, a Russian citizen and a permanent resident of Cyprus, arguing that Russians who support the war are influenced by state propaganda and must be “denazificated” themselves.

His compatriot Alex echoed him saying “It feels as if it was 1941 and I was a German and a Jew at the same time. I would be prosecuted and jailed in my home country Russia for my views; for everyone outside Russia I am an outcast because of my Russian passport and regardless of what my views and beliefs are.”

Alex relocated to Cyprus in April when the company he works for decided to move all its employees from Russia to Cyprus. Some of his friends who stayed in Russia had to flee 3 weeks ago to avoid a call-up.

It is estimated that at least 700,000 men have fled the country in the last 3 weeks since President Putin announced a “partial mobilization” on September 21.

Russian missiles hit targets across Ukraine early on Monday, killing 19 people and wounding 105, emergency services officials said, as they tore into intersections, parks and tourist sites.

The biggest wave of attacks was deliberately timed during rush hours in the major cities of Ukraine targeting central areas, historical buildings and on some occasions busy residential areas. The attacks resulted in serious damage to the infrastructure and energy facilities.

As many as 301 settlements in the regions of Kyiv, Lviv, Sumy, Ternopil and Khmelnytsky remained without electricity on Tuesday morning.



