Friday, October 21, 2022


 Filenews 21 October 2022 - by Theano Theopoulou

As of December 15, 2022, Hellenic Bank customers who want to make deposits or withdrawals up to €500 will have to use the ATMs and will not be served at the cash desks. In essence, Hellenic continues the policy that wants cash deposits and withdrawals to be made largely outside the store and customers to use more alternative service channels.

But there are also those who do not know how to use ATMs. Hellenic Bank strengthens the institution of the "meeter greeter", i.e. the employee who is inside the branch and trains customers in the use of alternative channels. Hellenic Bank also clarifies that vulnerable population groups (e.g. the elderly) who are unable to use ATMs will continue to be served normally through the bank's cash desks.

Also, as of December 15, 2022, deposits from third parties (for any amount) will not be accepted at the counters.

Coins over €200 will be deposited exclusively at stores that have Cash360 machines. Hellenic has 11 Cash360 coin machines and five Cash360 notes in selected stores in Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca, offering the possibility of depositing a large volume of coins using a special code.

Also, as of November 1st, transactions with foreign banknotes (purchase, withdrawal, deposit) and the issuance of foreign currency cheques will now be offered at specific branches, which are posted on the Bank's website.  Hellenic Bank

It is known that Hellenic will implement a voluntary exit plan to reduce the staff up to 500 people and this means less staff in the stores to serve customers and especially at the cash registers. Along with the reduction of the staff that will serve customers, there is also a shrinking of the network, with the closure of stores. Greek sources told "F" that the aim is for branches to offer banking services relating, for example, to informing and applying for a loan and less services for cash withdrawals or deposits.