Filenews 5 October 2022
The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works wishes to thank all citizens who tested the mobile application "FixCyprus" during its first week of presence in the Cypriot market and to encourage those who have not done so to do so, as everyone's contribution to improving the quality of the road network is important and can contribute to the prevention of possible accidents.
To date, the application has been installed on about 3000 mobile devices and about 370 petitions have been submitted. The petitions that fall within the geographical area of Nicosia amount to about 155, in Limassol to 100, in Larnaca to 60, in Paphos to 25 and in Famagusta to 30. All reports are examined by the responsible Report Managers of the District Offices of the Department of Public Works and assigned for handling either to the Department of Public Works itself, or to other competent Authorities depending on their competence.
The priority of handling reports depends on the risk of the situation and the type of problem. For example, a report concerning scattered gravel on a section of the main road axis in Limassol or a request for the replacement of a traffic light on an islet in Nicosia, was handled and resolved immediately, while a report concerning a slight cracking of the road surface, was scheduled for resolution during the periodic maintenance phase.
Currently 10% of petitions have been completed, 14% have been rejected, 65% are scheduled while the remaining 11% are pending handling. The majority of the reports submitted so far concern cracks in the roadway, obstacles / damage to the sidewalks, vandalism of signs and visibility issues due to obstacles, while the majority of the petitions rejected concerned issues of illegal parking on sidewalks, which does not fall under the terms of use of the application.
80% of the total reports were reported on residential roads and secondary road axes, which indicates that citizens are looking to report problems that they find in the road network of their neighbourhood and that may have been bothering them for a long time. Based on this, it appears that the involvement and active participation of Local Authorities and especially Municipalities is of crucial importance for the planning and resolution of these reports, as the secondary network and residential roads fall mostly under their competence.
Finally, the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Mr. Yiannis Karousos, asks the citizens to continue using the application as their role in it is the main one. The Minister himself as well as the Directorate and the staff of the Department of Public Works will monitor the progress of the reports and will intervene where there is an unjustified delay.