Monday, October 17, 2022


 Cyprus Mail 17 October 2022 - by Jonathan Shkurko

Local products will now boast a dedicated “Cyprus Made” label and logo, which aims to increase exports in the years to come.

The new label and logo were presented on Monday during the opening of the “Industry Week” fair by Energy Minister Natasa Pilides.

“Exports of domestic products already rose by almost 50 per cent between 2016 and 2021,” Pilides said. “The new ‘Cyprus Made’ label is another important tool for the country’s economy, which strengthens the continuous and tireless efforts made in recent years to promote Cypriot products.”

The minister added that the positive exports’ trend remained stable even throughout 2020, the heyday of the Covid-19 pandemic and that in 2021 exports increased by 14 per cent.

“All the data we gathered point to a continuous and constant increase of Cypriot exports in the years to come. During the first six months of this year, we registered a 21.8 per cent upward trend.”

She said that this was a positive development that created expectations that the Cypriot industry can now compete with its counterparts in the international market.

She also added that the new “Cyprus Made” label will enhance the competitiveness and recognition of Cypriot products through a strong visual identity, highlighting their uniqueness, quality and authenticity, while providing a shield against counterfeiting.

In the first phase, the label will be granted to industry-made products, such as medicines, plastics, metal structures, cosmetics, electronic equipment and handicrafts, including embroidery and ceramics.

At a later stage, the label will be extended to other categories of products, namely agricultural goods, such as food and wine.

The logo is a composition of lines and triangles which create the image of Cyprus as a mosaic.

“The blocks composing the logo are arranged so that their corners point in all directions, sending the message that Cypriot products can reach the entire world,” Pilides said.

The new logo has been registered as a trademark owned by the Republic of Cyprus and will be granted under specific criteria and rules. Companies wishing to have the “Cyprus Made” label on their products will have to fill in a specific application.

A “Cyprus Made” website is currently under construction.