Friday, September 16, 2022

TALA NEWS - email delivery



Please note that an alternative has finally been found to FeedBurner so deliveries by email have restarted.

In your inbox, or possibly your junk or spam folder, if you are subscribed you should have received an email from, as follows

You receive this email because publisher of feed TALA COMMUNITY NEWS imported you to this list, claiming you were already subscribed to this content in other ways previously. Please confirm that this is correct and you want to receive this content by clicking here, or decline if you don't want to receive it.

To continue receiving the Tala News please confirm you wish to receive the News by clicking where advised in the email you will have received.  Alternatively if you no longer wish to receive the Tala News via email, please  click on 'decline'

If you were previously subscribed and have not received an email, please go to .  In the right hand corner you will see 'subscribe by email' - please insert your email address.  You will then receive an email from [it may go into spam or junk] asking you to click on a link to confirm your email address.  From then on, you should receive the Tala News by email again.

If you have not been a previous subscriber, then please follow the link as set out in the paragraph above. will allow you to decide how you wish to receive Tala News. Please follow the links and under settings you can select options you require.     You can even select the language you require to see Tala News in!