Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Cyprus Mail 14 September 2022 - by Jonathan Shkurko

Cyprus is destined to become a desert in 50 years or even before if proper measures are not adopted, Diko MP Christos Orphanides said on Wednesday.

Speaking during the House environment committee, Orphanides said desertification is a “mathematically proved scenario for Cyprus.”

“Climate change directly affects people’s quality of life and has immeasurable consequences on our health,” he said.

“These are issues which will intensify in the coming years. Reservoirs are ever so depleted, the salinity of our sea water has multiplied and pollution affects our atmosphere in general.”

The House environment committee was discussing dust in the air and pollution and their effects on the environment, health, fertility and more broadly the food chain.

“It is man who is destroying the planet. We all have to listen and wake up if we want to protect the people who will live after us,” Orphanides added.

“Unfortunately, it is not something that we seem to be wanting. Instead of protecting the planet, we are doing the opposite.”

Orphanides also accused the Electricity Authority (EAC) of not doing enough to prevent its power stations causing air pollution.

“It is vital for EAC to realise that they have to take measures to prevent air pollution, which is a real problem in Cyprus,” he concluded.