Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 Filenews 24 August 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

With the main question of whether Cypriots use a mobile phone while driving, the Cyprus Institute of Statisticians conducted a new pancyprian survey. The result of the survey is that 59% of drivers in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus admit that they use a mobile phone while driving, compared to 33% who answered negatively and 8% who did not wish to answer.

Speaking to "F" about the survey, the president of the KIS, MP Chrysanthos Savvidis, stressed that a very important element of the survey is that the residents of rural areas use the mobile phone much less while driving. In particular, while in urban areas this dangerous habit is found in 75% of drivers, in the countryside the percentage drops to 43%.

The results of the survey by gender show, Mr. Savvidis emphasizes, that women use the mobile phone more than men while driving and specifically in 65% compared to 53% of male drivers.

The research also covered the exact use of the mobile while driving. Based on the relevant question, stressed the president of the Cypriot Statisticians, 62% of those who use it while driving do so to send messages, while 38% to speak.

"The conclusion of the investigation," Chrysanthos Savvidis concluded, "is that although we have no data on how many deaths are due to driving due to a mobile phone, there is nevertheless great concern about the actual number of deaths caused on the roads by the use of mobile phones.

Each of us must realize the terrible dangers that arise both for himself and for his fellow human beings and drive without using a mobile phone to avoid unjust deaths and chronic catastrophic disabilities.