Cyprus Mail 28 July 2022 - by Anna Savva
Cabinet on Thursday extended the deadline for tax returns by a month to facilitate taxpayers.
The decision, which applies to individuals and the self-employed who are not required to submit accounts, was announced by Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides
He said cabinet had authorised the issuing of a decree extending the deadline from July 31 to August 31.
Last week, tax commissioner Sotiris Markides had clarified that any extension to the filing deadline would be accompanied by an extension for the payment of any outstanding taxes arising from the tax form.
Income tax forms for 2021 must be filed by salaried employees, pensioners and self-employed individuals with gross income exceeding €19,500. [And those who have been resident in Cyprus for 17+ years whose income is less than €19,500 but who must declare interest on savings]