Thursday, July 28, 2022



“School supplies for ALL children”


Pancyprian campaign for the collection of school supplies for children from vulnerable families


Needy Children Go back To School With Dignity thanks to you!

What can you do?

Shopping for school supplies for the new school year

  • Add in your cart an additional product so that we can give to a child whose parents can’t afford to buy.


What can you offer?

You can offer any school supplies that are basic for the school:

  • School bags, pencil cases, notebooks, stationery etc.
  • School clothing and shoes
  • Books, stories and tales, etc.
  • Educational games
  • Furniture and equipment (desks, office chairs, computers, etc.)


Who should you contact?

Collection points: The Volunteer Centres in all districts.

Collection period: from May until the end of August (so that they can deliver the supplies to needy children before the start of the new school year).


Volunteer Centres’ contact information:

Nicosia:      9, Andreas Avraamides Str., apt.301, Strovolos, , tel. 22512602

Limassol:    14, 1st April Str., Agia Fyla, tel. 25737761

Larnaca:    47, Stylianou Lena Str., Antoniou court, apt. 1., tel. 24650525

Paphos:      46, Aristoteli Savva Str., Anavargos, tel. 26953725

Famagusta:  Georgiou Katsiari 21, 5320 Liopetri, tel. 99124521

Keryneia:    tel. 97743185


Operating hours: Please contact the Volunteer Centre of your district to find out their operating hours and more information.