Saturday, July 30, 2022


 Filenews 29 July 2022

The total number of migrants in the labour market reached 180,344 thousand in 2021 and corresponded to 28.8% of the labour force of Cyprus.

According to an infographic (infographic) of the Statistical Service on Migrants and the Labour Market 2021, the majority of immigrants in 2021 (people aged 15-74 who were born outside Cyprus) and 42.2% of the total were people of third countries (outside the EU), 35.1% nationals from EU countries and 22.7% were Cypriot nationals.

According to the data, in terms of the main reason for migration, 46.5% were for employment reasons, 37.7% for family reasons, 6% for asylum and 9.8% for other reasons.

The percentage of migrants in the total labour force in 2021 amounted to 28,8%, 28,4% to the total employed, while the percentage of immigrants in the total unemployed was 33,3%.

The majority of employed immigrants or 78.1% were employed in services, 20.5% in Industry and 1.4% in Georgia.

By gender, the highest percentage of male immigrants or 62.3% was in the service sector, 35.8% in industry and 1.9% in Georgia. As far as women are concerned, the vast majority, i.e. 93.7% were employed in services, 5.4% in industry and 0.9% in agriculture.

Among other things, 28.5% of employed immigrants were unskilled workers, 16.6% service employees and salespeople, 13.8% qualified and other specialists and 13.4% production craftsmen.

In relation to the employment status, 67.6% of immigrants were employed (74.4% men and 62% women), 6.4% unemployed (7.7% men, 5.4% women) and 26% inactive (17.9% men and 32.6% women).

In terms of duration of unemployment, 46.1% of the total were unemployed under 6 months, 31.9% for a period of 12 months or more and 22% for a period between 6 and 11 months.