Sunday, June 26, 2022


Ukrainian President Zelensky speaks to German Chancellor Scholz in Kyiv on June 16.
© Valentyn Ogirenko/REUTERSUkrainian President Zelensky speaks to German Chancellor Scholz in Kyiv on June 16.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for a 'Marshall plan' to rebuild war-scarred Ukraine. What does he mean by that?

Faced with great challenges, politicians commonly advocate for equally substantial remedies. One often reached-for comparison is the US Marshall plan, which helped rebuild Western Europe after World War II. Decision-makers have launched subsequent 'Marshall plans' to support pandemic-stricken economies, protect the environment, and much else. Now, German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz has called for a Marshall plan to rebuild Ukraine. His idea will be discussed at the G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, this weekend.

In a government address, Scholz said his recent visit to Ukraine had reminded him of the widespread destruction that had characterized many German cities after World War II. "Just like war-scarred Europe then, Ukraine today needs a Marshal plan to rebuild," he said. This, he added, was a job for the coming generation.

What was the Marshall plan?

Former US Secretary of State George C. Marshall in 1947 suggested setting up the European Recovery Program (ERP) to help rebuild much of Europe, which had been destroyed in the war. Today, this scheme is commonly known as the Marshall plan.

The Marshall plan was devised to help post-war Europe get back on its feet
© akg-images/picture-allianceThe Marshall plan was devised to help post-war Europe get back on its feet

It entailed the US providing loans to finance European reconstruction efforts, as well as importing goods, raw materials and food stuffs to Europe. More than $12 billion (approximately $150 billion in today's dollars; €142 billion) were provided to 16 different countries — among them West Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain — between 1948 and 1952. West Germany received roughly $1.5 billion. The cash infusion not only kick-started Europe's economic recovery, but also opened up new markets for the US.

The Marshall plan had a political dimension, too. Not all European countries received US money. While the US was keen to limit Soviet influence in eastern Europe, the Soviet Union barred Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland from joining the Marshall plan, fearing US control over the region.

In Germany and the rest of Europe, the Marshall plan is largely remembered as a successful program that helped rebuild the continent. It sparked economic recovery but also helped democratic structures entrench themselves in Europe. That is why, after various wars and crises in the world, many have pointed to the Marshall plan as a good example for post-war reconstruction.

A Marshall plan for Ukraine?

Prime Minister Scholz expects the war in Ukraine will not end anytime soon. He said just like the original Marshall plan was geared towards long-term reconstruction, so too must the West expect that rebuilding Ukraine will take time.

"We will need many more billions of euro and dollar for reconstruction purposes — for years to come," Scholz told German parliament. He added that he wants to see Ukraine continue receiving broad European support in financial, economic, humanitarian and political terms, as well as "arms deliveries."

Werner Hoyer, who heads the European Investment Bank, expects billions in financial aid for Ukraine. He said there is a need for a program targeting "a global audience, rather just EU tax-payers."

The EU has suggested reconstruction efforts should be coordinated by Ukraine in conjunction with EU, G7 and G20 states, as well as international financial institutions and organizations.

This article was originally written in German.

Author: Silja Thoms