Monday, June 6, 2022


 Filenews 6 June 2022

Threats against the three NATO countries that prevented the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, from visiting Serbia were unleashed by the head of the Russian space agency "Roscosmos", Dmitry Rogozin, claiming that, at any time, he can launch the intercontinental "Satan-2" ballistic missile.

The Russian foreign minister was forced to cancel his visit to Serbia after Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro - three NATO countries around Serbia - closed their airspace to his aircraft, which angered the Kremlin.

But Dmitry Rogozin also targeted Romania.

The head of the Russian space agency "Roscosmos", said that while Bulgaria, Romania and Montenegro could stop Lavrov's plane, they would not stop a 208-ton Sarmat rocket known as Satan-2.

In a message on Twitter, he wrote: "Knowwhat's so good for 'Sarmat' (ballistic missile)? He will not ask for permission from cowardly Bulgarians, vengeful Romanians and Montenegrins – who betrayed our common history."

The same, he said, applies to Swedes preparing to join NATO, the director of Roscosmos said.

The head of the Russian space agency came under fire and fury after Russia's foreign minister failed to reach Belgrade where he had planned talks with officials.

It is noted that Serbia is one of the few European countries that has maintained close ties with Russia since the Kremlin's strongman, Vladimir Putin, began his invasion of Ukraine on February 24th.