Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Filenews 12 April 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

The Mayor of Pafos does not recognize etek as an advisor to the state, nor will he put it in the discussion on the development of the building complex of Carob Mills, considering that it has no role, unlike the Town Planning.

This is what Phaedon Phaedonos stated to "F" on the occasion of the announcement of etek for the exploitation of the Carob mills for the operation there of the American University of Beirut

"After seven years of experience as Mayor of Pafos, I concluded that this is a trade union body, which has the scientific 'wrapper' of the state councillor, but in ETEK things and miracles happen," he said.

"Some people now in etek have said to deal with the Carob mills to ensure the five minutes of publicity they think they deserve per year. They take phones to party and municipal groups to stir up reactions, they intervene in the Town Planning and all this, while 15 years now that the place was a slum and shop of every businessman, no ETEK request was ever made for the buildings to be listed.

"Shocked" by the attack of the Mayor of Pafos, said the president of ETEK, Konstantinos Konstantis.

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"Etek has always intervened in order to preserve our cultural heritage," he said. "The Mayor of Pafos will not deprive us of the right to be placed whenever we deem that we should and can be beneficial. For the reports of Mr. Phaedonos that for 15 years we did not ask for the complex to be declared listed, we did not expect that he could conceive of demolishing almost completely the Carob Mills for another use.

We say that this other use can very comfortably be made while maintaining the building. I wonder why I should do about this simple issue with the Mayor of Paphos, when scientists can sit at a table and discuss. What is the reason for this culvert uttered against us by the Mayor of Pafos. No one gives him such a right, where do we live?.

I am shocked by what I heard from the Mayor of Pafos about the members of ETEK".