Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Filenews 14 April 2022 - by Eleftheria Paizanos

Through a reduction in VAT on food and fuel, DIPA seeks to control the accuracy, in an effort to give breathing space to consumers, who see month by month to pay more to cover their needs, without increasing their own incomes.

The law proposal is signed by the deputies of DIPA Alekos Trifonidis and Michalis Giakoumi and are expected to submit it today to the Plenum of the Parliament. The legislation proposes to amend the VAT Law so that for a period of six months VAT on the supply of food and medicines is frozen. It should be noted that the delivery of food includes beverages, excluding alcohol and soft drinks.

In relation to the delivery of medicines, it concerns medicinal products used for treatment, the prevention of diseases and for medical or veterinary purposes. At the same time, it is proposed that zero VAT should apply to the part of the EAC's account that concerns the purchase of carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, the two Members propose that restaurants and food services should be subject to the reduced VAT rate. In particular, they propose to reduce VAT to 5% from the current 19% on these services. DIPA is attempting to cover part of the legal entities that were left out of the reduction made by the government a few months ago. It is recalled that, according to the government's decision, vulnerable households will pay 5% VAT on electricity consumption for a period of eight months, namely until the end of June. Also, the rest of the households will pay by the end of April (for five months) 9% VAT to the EAC bills. As the MPs of DIPA argue, the bill is necessary, due to the increase in prices and to support small and medium-sized enterprises.