This is an image of the car tax disc which used to be issued. Tax discs in Cyprus are no longer displayed |
Renewal of vehicle registration for the year 2022 The marketing authorizations for the year 2022 will be renewed from Friday, January 7, 2022. The last day of renewal is Friday, March 11, 2022. Marketing authorizations can be renewed for a period of three, six, nine and 12 months. The marketing authorizations are renewed until Friday, March 11, 2022, free of charge. For renewals that will take place after March 11, 2022, the sum of the amount of €10 and an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the marketing authorization corresponding to the amount due for the current year is imposed as a charge.
To renew the marketing authorization there must be: Certificate of suitability where required [ie MOT] Security, ie insurance cover.
The Department of Road Transport advises everyone to take care of the renewal of the registration of their vehicle in time, in order to avoid a possible overload of the system that can cause inconvenience in the last days. It is reminded that those who had renewed the registration of their vehicle for the year 2021, but do not intend to renew it for the year 2022 should submit to the TOM a notice for immobilization of the vehicle. The immobilization is also done online on the TOM website (Road Transport Department - Otherwise the obligation to pay the amount corresponding to the registration fee continues to exist. Vehicles for which their registration license for the year 2021 has not been renewed and have not been declared as immobilized will be deleted from the TOM register, if the due amount for the year 2021 is not paid and their registration license for 2022 is renewed before Friday, March 11, 2022. In case of destruction of the vehicle, an application for cancellation of vehicle registration must be submitted to the TOM (form TOM 98A) accompanied by the "Certificate of Destruction" issued by licensed vehicle waste treatment facilities, to relieve the vehicle owner of the obligation to pay road tax from the date of destruction of the vehicle. The licenses can be renewed throughout the year, online, at the Banks, via JCC Smart, at the KEP, at the Provincial Offices of the Postal Services Department and at the Provincial Offices of TOM. Finally, it is noted that no reminder notices will be sent to vehicle owners to renew their licences.