Friday, March 4, 2022

DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY - REQUESTS FOR GREEN MONDAY - Take refuse away, do not start fires, do not pick wild flowers, and do not fly kites or drones anywhere near airports

 Filenews 4 March 2022

Warnings in view of the public's excursions to the countryside on Green Monday/Shrove Monday, March 7, 2022, were issued by the Department of Forests, aiming at both the protection of the natural environment and the excursionists.

As the announcement states, the public should take care of the cleanliness of the outdoor areas they visit and carry the garbage in garbage bags away, whether they are at a shorter distance or at a greater distance. If they leave in bags at the spot visited by the excursionists, the animals will scatter them everywhere, the Department of Forests points out.

It is emphasized that lighting a fire anywhere in the countryside is prohibited, except for the preparation of food within the permitted and arranged areas located in organized excursion and camping areas. Lighting a fire inside the state forests, or at a distance of 2 kilometres from its outskirts, is an offence punishable by imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to €50,000.00 or both penalties together, the statement adds.

It also urges the public not to cut or uproot flowers and shrubs, since several of them are strictly protected, while some may be endemic and at risk of extinction.

Finally, because in some areas there is an infestation of pine trees by the processionary caterpillars, the Department of Forests invites the public to be especially careful, to avoid sitting under or near affected pine trees and to avoid coming into contact with the caterpillar.  Anyone who comes into contact with the caterpillar and presents a skin problem, should turn for medical advice and care.

It is forbidden to fly kites and drones near airports

The Department of Civil Aviation reminds the public and especially the excursionists, in view of Clean Monday, that flying kites and/or drone systems in the aircraft approach area for the runways of Larnaka and Paphos airports may endanger flights and cause concern to aircrew.

Excursionists are kindly requested to avoid flying kites and drones in the airport areas.