Saturday, August 28, 2021



26-08-2021 18:06

Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the registration of Cypriot students abroad on the online platform Connect2CY

In view of the upcoming start of the new academic year 2021-2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalls that the online platform Connect2CY established to enable the Ministry to communicate with Cypriot citizens abroad in order to offer emergency assistance more effectively is in operation, and encourages all Cypriots who are already abroad or intend to travel abroad in the coming period for the purpose of studying, to register on the platform, or if they are already registered, to ensure that the information they have provided in their account is correct and up-to-date.

With this opportunity, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to remind that registration of Cypriot citizens who are abroad or intend to travel abroad for any purpose, for a temporary (non-permanent) stay, is recommended in all cases, as it allows the Ministry to accurately map the presence of Cypriots in every corner of the world and thus to be able to effectively provide consular assistance where necessary, primarily through the network of Diplomatic Missions of the Republic, as well as through other available mechanisms.

The Connect2CY online platform was launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in May 2020 and is accessible on the Ministry's website or directly at It was designed from the outset on a flexible and dynamic basis and it will continuously be developed further and upgraded, responding to the requirements of Crisis Management in our time.