Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Cyprus Mail 27 August 2021 - by Stavros Nikolaou

An end to the ‘property’ status of animals is one of the demands issued by the Animal Party on Friday in a statement to mark World Day for the end of Speciesism on Saturday.

The movement, and the day, aims to abolish the hierarchy between species and to advocate for anti-speciesism.

Speciesism is the idea that humans are superior and have more rights than animals “a hierarchy that shows up in daily practices, from the meat we eat to the clothes we wear, as well as through tourist activities or shows designed to entertain us”, the party said.

“The Covid-19 virus, as well as other animal-related viruses, are the result of human mismanagement of other species. It is time to face the reality,” it added.

According to the party, measures targeting the strengthening of animal protection must be taken. Among others, the party demands a better communication campaign about the meaning of speciesism, an end to the violent culture of producing animal foods and a turn to veganism or vegetarianism.

The party also called for a new legal status for animals that will stop them being treated as property. It wants the ‘five freedoms’ for animals to be implemented as well.

The freedoms concern basic animal welfare, that animals have appropriate space, lighting, air quality, food and water. The party included the right for animals to have freedom from pain, injury, and disease, by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment, and freedom from fear, distress and mental suffering.

The party plans to distribute awareness leaflets on Saturday outside the district administration in Limassol.