Friday, August 20, 2021


 Filenews 20 August 2021

In the last 7 days, a total of 32,688 vaccinations were carried out in all provinces, of which 11,051 were for the administration of the 1st dose and 21,616 for the administration of the 2nd dose.

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, the vaccination coverage of at least 1st dose per age group is as follows:

Age Range           No in age range      31 July              6 August             12 August           19 August

In total, until yesterday, at least 77.2% of the adult population (18+) were vaccinated with the 1st dose. The corresponding percentage of the adult population completed its vaccination regimen reached 71.8%. According to the ECDC, the corresponding rates in the EU are 74.4% (at least 1st dose) and 64.8% (fully vaccinated). At least the 1st dose received 33.6% of people aged 16-17 years and 24.8% of this age group completed their vaccination. At younger ages (12-15), the 1st dose was administered at 12.3% since August 2, when vaccinations of these ages began.

Regarding the vaccination coverage per District, as shown in the map attached, Pafos is still in the lead with the fairly high percentage of 88% of its population having received at least the 1st dose. It is followed by the District of Famagusta with 85.1% and then the Districts of Nicosia and Limassol with 76.9% and 75.5% respectively. Finally, the lowest vaccination coverage rate is in the District of Larnaca with 71.1%.

From July 15 until yesterday, 29,761 vaccinations (1st and 2nd doses) were carried out in the free walk-in vaccination centres that operate nationwide from July 15 until yesterday. Analytically:

Date                                                   No of vaccinations

In the last 7 days, a total of 32,667 vaccinations were carried out in all provinces, of which 11,051 were for the administration of the 1st dose and 21,616 for the administration of the 2nd dose. The numbers refer to vaccinations made in walk-ins and vaccination centres after arranging an appointment through the Vaccination Portal. For the next few weeks, 36,666 vaccinations are scheduled to be done by appointment, including the 2nd doses and in addition and independently of any vaccinations that will be done at the free-to-attend centres.