Sunday, August 15, 2021


 Filenews 15 August 2021

"Afghanistan will have a peaceful transition of power towards a transitional government." With these words through the mouth of a interior minister, the Afghan government admits defeat by the Taliban, who within less than ten days of the withdrawal of US troops from the country, managed to reach the capital.

One would even say that some cities in the path of the Afghan rebels, "fell" so easily and without a fight, that it was as if the Taliban were doing the... round of triumph until they reach Kabul.

Moscow does not foresee the evacuation of its embassy in Kabul

Russia, however, does not foresee evacuating its embassy in Kabul, a Russian Foreign Ministry official told the Interfax news agency today.

Zamir Kabulov said he is in "direct contact" with the Russian embassy in Kabul and added that embassy officials are still working with "calmness."

Chaos in Kabul

Since the morning there has been chaos in the Afghan capital and huge queues have formed outside banks.

Since yesterday, in fact, there has been overcrowding at Kabul airport, with thousands of citizens fleeing Afghanistan following the events of the last few days.

Huge queues of people looking for a safer place are crowding outside the capital's only passport issuing office, desperately trying to secure travel documents.

Others run frantically around downtown Kabul, a city of about 5 million people, performing last-minute commitments before leaving their homes. The fear and panic that grips Kabul is palpable as the Taliban march toward the capital after a devastating, months-long military offensive during which they seized most of Afghanistan.