Saturday, August 21, 2021


 Filenews 21 August 2021 - byMichalis Hadjivasilis

The House Committee on Legal Affairs will be on its feet with the difficult issues of justice reform and the fight against corruption, in order to see whether all sides came closer to bringing the crucial bills to a vote.

As stated to "F" the Minister of Justice and Public Order, Stefi Drakou, the chairman of the Committee of Lawyers Nikos Tornaritis informed her that the bills concerning reform and corruption will be on the agenda of the first meetings of the Committee. It is the minister's intention to continue her contacts with the parties involved, so that she can listen to them and crystallize a view with a view to their adoption as soon as possible. As Mrs Drakou points out, the debate on the reform of the judiciary had resumed in the competent parliamentary committee before the parliamentary elections and despite the fact that the article-by-article discussion of the relevant bills was completed, the Commission considered that more time should be given for discussion and study. That is why it was decided to postpone the debate anew, with the reconstitution and operation of the new Parliament.

"Justice reform," she notes, as well as the legal framework to tackle corruption, are very high on my priorities and are key objectives of my mandate. I am working hard at this time, before the opening of the House from the summer recess, so that within the framework of my own capabilities, any disagreements are overcome or, at least, minimized and the passage of bills is promoted quickly, especially since every day that passes, the delay in the administration of Justice grows", she adds.

The minister is aware of the different views that exist on individual issues, "which are entirely to be expected in such major reforms in the context of the democratic dialogue that has taken place and continues with all those involved. Mrs Drakou announces that she will continue a new round of contacts with those involved, in order to ascertain personally any differences that exist since she believes that, since the goal is common and everyone agrees that the reform should proceed as soon as possible, any differences through good will and understanding will be overcome. She avoids taking a position on specific points before forming a personal opinion through the contacts she will have, as to the opinions, thoughts and differences that exist.